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The women of North Carolina.

--The ladies of Raleigh, N. C., held a meeting recently and adopted, among others, the following resolutions.

Resolved, That the noble and gallant conduct of our Southern soldiers on the field of battle, their endurance and patience under fatigue and privations of all kinds, and their readiness ever to meet the me with their strong arms and stout hearts, challenge our warmest admiration and gratitude, and inspire us with confidence that they will always be our protectors from the presence of the hated enemy.

Resolved, That the war is prosecuted by the South to secure its liberty and independence; with these, should hail peace as the greatest of earthly blessings without them, peace would be but the beginning of our degradation and humiliation as a people.

Resolved, That the women of the South regard this war as involving not only its liberty and independence, but their own station in society and the happiness of the domestic circle; the subjugation of their sex and the obliteration of those virtues of pudgy and innocence which form its peculiar charm; and that we look to the army with mingled anxiety and confidence to shield us from this the greatest of calamities.

Resolved, That our fathers, brothers, and sweethearts, and all others in the army, possess our warmest thanks or their unceasing efforts during three long years in defence or liberty, and independence, and ourselves; that we pray daily for their protection from all harm, and that we shall hail their return from the field at the end of the war, the conquerors in a hundred battles, as the brightest days in our lives greeting them with rejoicing, stride, and love.

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North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (1)
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