Northern news — the Recognition rumor — rejoicing in Baltimore.
Mr. Davis. of Kentucky, has introduced in the United States Senate resolutions declaring that no negro, or person whose mother or grandmother was a negro, shall be citizen of the United States, or eligible to office; that Maine and Massachusetts shall constitute one State of the United States, to be called "East New England;" and Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, another, to be called "We New England."
Harrisonburg, March 14
--We have here Baltimore papers of the 10th.
The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia inquirer says that a special messenger from Mr. Dayton, the Minister to France, had arrived there.
Nothing was known officially of the dispatches, but the messenger told his friends that France had determined to recognize the Southern Confederacy.
The report was generally believed in Baltimore, and occasioned great rejoicing among the friends of the South in that city.
Dalton, March 14
--Northern paper state that Adjutant Gen. Thomas in at Nashville, pushing forward the work of organizing negro troops.
Several re-enlisted regiments have passed through Nashville, returning to the field.
Sherman's command was at Vicksburg on the 8th, preparing for another grand movement. Chattanooga is probably his destination.
The Yankees are much alarmed in regard to Longstreet's whereabouts. One account represents him en route for Lee, and another for Johnston. Much alarm is also fel among them at the threatening aspect England and France.