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Patriotic resolutions of an old Richmond company.

We publish with pleasure the following resolutions, adopted by the Richmond Light Infantry Blues, the oldest military organization in Virginia, and among the very first to go in for the war:

At a meeting of the R. L. I Blues held March 3d, 1864, at Camp Dismal, near Adams's Run, S. C., the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Whereas, we have read with pleasure the patriotic and touching address of the President to the armies of the Confederate States, and the appeal of Gen Beauregard and Brig. Gen. H. A. Wise to their commands to follow the mobile example of their brethren in arms in other portions of the Confederacy; Therefore, be it.

Resolved,That the silence of this company has not been caused by any want of patriotism, or a just appreciation of the motives which have induced our brother soldiers from our proud old mother State to come forward, and, with noble sacrifice of all their personal wants and comforts, again willingly to after their services to their beloved country in thither hour of peril; but that this, one of the oldest organized companies in the service, enlisted at the very beginning of this struggle (on the 21st April, 1864) to serve for the war.

Resolved, That the original spirit with which we entered this contest is undiminished, and we assure our countrymen that, standing by our Southern banner, we shall battle for our rights until they are acknowledged, our independence achieved, and a glorious peace shall crown our efforts.

Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions be forwarded to Brig. Gen. Wise, and that the Charleston and Richmond papers be requested to publish the same.

Lieut. E. J. Levy, Chairman.
Serg't R. H. Sarvay, Sec'y.

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