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The Legislature.

The Senate yesterday adopted a resolution directing the Sergeant at Arms to apply to the Provost Marshal of Richmond for passports for members of the Senate.

A resolution was also adopted inquiring what legislation is necessary to do justice between the banks of this Commonwealth and their depositors, under the operation and requirements of the act lately passed by the Confederate Congress, commonly called the currency act.

A joint resolution was passed requiring the Auditor of Public Accounts to instruct the Commissioners of the Revenue in the several counties to make out and return to his office detailed statements of the losses of slaves and other property, personal and real; also, churches, court-houses, records, and other public property, sustained by the citizens thereof from the commencement of the existing war to the 1st July, 1864, &c.

A bill appropriating $500,000 to provide for fire purchase and distribution among the people of the State of cotton, cotton yarns, cotton cloths, and hand cards, was passed.

The bill authorizing the impressment of certain salt wells, furnaces, and other property, was taken up, discussed, amended, and ordered to be engrossed. Adjourned.

The House adopted a joint resolution recommitting the report of the joint committee to prepare an address to Virginia soldiers to said committee, with instructions to embody therein a proper reference to the recent raid upon this city, and to have the address printed for the use of members.

A bill was passed authorizing the sheriffs of counties to summon posse cernitatus to aid in the enforcement of the impressment law in certain cases.

The bill appropriating the public revenue for the ensuing fiscal year was passed.

A joint resolution was introduced directing the collection and certifying of all the facts in connection with the recent attempt of Kilpatrick and Dahlgren to enter and ravage Richmond, and providing for their preservation upon record in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The resolution lies over under the rules.

The joint resolution on the salt question was considered until the hour of recess.

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