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Capture of a spy.

--A lad of about fifteen years of age was brought down last night from Shubuta, where he was arrested on Monday as a Yankee spy. He made his appearance at Enterprise, where he represented himself as having resided several months at Meridian, and been brought down to Enterprise by the enemy as a prisoner. He was riding a pony, and pretended that he had been employed to carry a mall from Enterprise to Shubuta, and the citizens entrusted him with several letters; but the fact that he knew nobody in Meridian caused suspicion, which was increased on his arrival at Shubuta, and on being arrested and examined a slip of paper was found concealed in his shoe, containing the words: "Trust the bearer," and signed by Gen Hulburt. He confessed that he had been sent for the purpose of acquainting Gen. Banks with the failure of Sherman's expedition, and that his plan was to leave the railroad at some point above Mobile, and make his way to the enemy's outposts. He first gave his name as William Cunningham, but afterwards said it was Kidd. He appears to be from Missouri, and to be well acquainted about Vicksburg. He is said to be very shrewd, and of a fair education for his age. He wore a Yankee uniform at Enterprise, but swapped it off with a boy at Shubuta

Another lad, of about the same age, was brought down at the same time, who came into Meridian and surrendered himself as a deserter.--Mobile Register.

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