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The occupation of Jackson Miss.

The Selma Mississippian has the particulars of the third occupation of the Capital of Mississippi by the Federals. They brought with them A. P. Merrill, formerly cashier of the Agricultural Bank at Natchez, who was to be inaugurated as Governor of the State on the 5th inst. The account of the occupation says:

‘ On Friday morning at 9 o'clock, official information was received at Jackson that the enemy were advancing on Clinton, in two columns, 25,000 strong, by the Queen's Hill and Clinton roads.--Owing to such immense superiority in numbers, Gen. Lee declined to give them further battle, and retired towards Canton, to effect a junction with Gen. Loring, who had reached Madison Station with his command that morning. About the time that Gen. Lee left Clinton an immense smoke was observed in that vicinity. At 12 o'clock the order was given to evacuate Jackson, as the enemy were then reported within six miles of the place. All soldiers at once left the place, the citizens retired to their house, and a painful stillness reigned o'er the thrice-doomed city. But it was the calm that preceded the storm. About 5 o'clock in the evening, the enemy entered the city, driving a small detachment of our cavalry before them. Their demonize yells were heard on the east bank of Pearl river. One of the party left to dismantle the pontoon bridge, was mortally wounded. The bridge was effectually destroyed.

Gen. French's division was under orders and in readiness to retreat Friday evening. It is now at Morton. The division had been hold in reserve on the east bank of Pearl river. Neither is nor Loring's division took part in any of the engagements. The latter was held at Canton to watch the movements of the column which had started from the Yazoo. Gen. Lee's cavalry did nobly, but they were not able to contend against twenty to one.--The conduct of Gen. Adams's brigade, and a portion of the brigade commanded by Col. Starke, is beyond all praise. On Friday they permitted the enemy to advance only four miles. In Gen. Adams's old regiment alone, ten were reported killed end sixty wounded. Maj Bridges, of Gen. Lee's Staff, was mortally wounded.

Our army felt back to Pearl river by way of Grant's Ferry, which is about twelve miles above Jackson.

Large conflagrations were visible in the vicinity of Jackson and Madison Station at 10 o'clock Saturday night. Before General French retired he caused a large lot of cotton at the depot to be destroyed. A few cars were left at the depot. The railroad between Brandon and Jackson was left uninjured by our troops.

In addition to the two columns which moved out on Cauton and Jackson, another was reported as advancing on Chrystal Springs, but this needs further confirmation before it is entitled to full credence. Sherman was in chief command. We learn that a stand will be made at Morton. All telegraphic communications, except for military purposes, have been interdicted by Gen. Polk, which fact accounts for our failure to receive intelligence of these important movements several days ago.

We see nothing particularly discouraging in all this. The occupation of Jackson and the withdrawal of the main body of our infantry force cast of the Pearl, is no more than we all expected.--Indeed, indications for several months past go to show that our Generals did not expect to hold the country west of Pearl river. Everything which could be serviceable to us or the enemy has been withdrawn, preparatory to the contemplated evacuation of that portion of the State by our forces — The policy of the Government is concentration, and we are glad to see it adopted. In the recapture of Jackson, the enemy has only increased the task before him. He has made no substantial gain by it, but only multiplied his difficulties; while, perhaps he has necessary to our ultimate deliverance.

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