Furloughs for Recruits for Genlee's Army.
The friends of the soldiers in Gen. Lee's army, will read the following official order with pleasure. They now have an opportunity to get furloughs for their relatives and friends, by ferreting out some of those skulkers who are at home evading the law, and sending them to the carolling officer:
Headq'rs Army Northern Va., Jan. 1st, 1863.
General Orders No. 1
A furlough of thirty days will be granted to every enlisted man who will secure to any company of the Army of Northern Virginia an able bodies recruit physically qualified to perform the duties of a soldier; of good moral, character, who is not a deserter, or absent without leave from any other command, who could be received under orders circumstances under the regulations of the War Department governing enlistments, who shall be unconditionally for the war, and actually be moral ready to report for duty with his command.
It will be seen that in addition to furloughs already allowed, an additional thirty days will be granted to each enlisted soldier bringing in a result acceptable to the service.