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Not hung.

--We noticed the fact last week that Wm. E. Coffman, of Rockingham, had been tried by Court-Martial in the command of General Imboden, for the offence of assisting and piloting deserters to the lines of the enemy, and that he was sentenced to be hung on Friday last. Mr. Coffman, after the trial, was sent from Rockingham, where the trial occurred, to this place for execution. His counsel sued out for him a writ of habeas corpus; but we are informed that Gen. Imboden, refusing to respect the writ of habeas corpus, ordered him to be hung, whereupon his counsel telegraphed the fact to the President, who ordered the prisoner to be handed over to the civil authorities. He will accordingly be tried before Judge Allen. Mr. Coffman being a citizen, and not a soldier, the military authorities have no jurisdiction over him.--Staunton (Va.) Spectator.

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