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The Legislature.

A communication from the Governor was read in the Senate on Saturday in regard to the State naturalization laws and Yankee paroled prisoners. Ordered to be printed.

A bill authorizing the Charlottesville Savings Bank to reduce the number of its directors was reported and subsequently passed.

Mr. Coghill reported a joint resolution authorizing the Superintendent of the Salt Works (under the control of the Board of Supervisors) to hire a sufficient number of slaves to operate the ten furnaces leased by the Commonwealth from Stuart, Buchanan &Co.; which was agreed to.

Mr. Garrison offered a resolution of inquiry for prohibiting the circulation as currency of any bills or notes issued by any one of the United States, or treasury notes of the United States Government.

A bill extending the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of Danville was passed. Adjourned.

In the House the joint resolution of the Senate in relation to the hiring of slaves to work the eight furnaces at the salt works was received and some time was spent in its discussion. The resolution was adopted.

Nothing else was done beyond the passage of several minor bills, and the reception of some unimportant resolutions.

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