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Shoddy in the Yankee capital.

--A Washington correspondent of the New York Express writes:

‘ Since the breaking out of the war quite a number of our citizens have enriched themselves, chiefly by legitimate business operations. G. C. McGuire & Co., the auctioneers, have cleared $300,000 by a contract for mattresses and iron bedsteads; Savage & Co., hardware dealers, at least $150,000; Sibley & Gray, stove dealers, as much more; C. L. Woodward, in the same business, $100,000. These firms occupy contiguous places of business between 10th and 11th streets. John E. Evans & Co., hardware, $200,000; J. & E. Owen, merchant tailors, $76,000; Mr. Lutze, saddler, $60,000; Mr. Rapler, blacksmith, $100,000, for shoeing Government horses. A poor wheelwright, for putting together wheelbarrows, bought at the North, $30,000--they were transported hither in pieces to save freight. Hudson, Taylor, and Philip & Solomon, stationers, $50,000 apiece. Mr. Taylor, has invested part of his property in a fine house at Poughkeepsie, New York. The landfords of the three principal hotels have cleared from $30,000 to $100,000 a year since December, 1861.

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