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Daring robbery.

--At an early hour last Thursday night a daring robbery was perpetrated at the corner of 12th and Cary streets, for which two young men hulling from Alabama have been arrested and imprisoned.--The robbery was perpetrated at a house of ill fame kept by Miss Emma Cummings, and is said to have resulted in this wise: Two or three days ago a young woman, calling herself Miss Jennie Price, took lodging with Miss Cummings, and left two of her trunks, well titled with valuable apparel, in the hall. On Thursday night William Gunels and John P. Gunels visited the house, and as parties were passing in and out during the evening the hall door stood open. Between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock, after the Gunels had taken their departure, Miss Price discovered that one of her trunks, containing goods valued at $2,500, had disappeared, and dispatched a friend for the police. Capt. Pleasants receiving the message, repaired in person to the scene, and getting such information as he could procure, started in search of the thieves. He soon learned that two young men had been seen carrying a trunk down Cary street, and taking the trail followed them down to the Louisiana Restaurant. --Procuring a light, Captain Pleasants entered the building, and in a room occupied by the Gunels the lost trunk was found. The two young men; when the officer saw them, were partially undressed, one of them holding in his hand an old knife, the blade open. On being questioned they first stated that the trunk had been brought there by a servant, but afterwards said that a friend had left it there. On examining the trunk Capt. Pleasants discovered marks near its hinges, as if an effort had been made to cut off the top, and, comparing the knife-blade with the marks, saw that they fitted each other. He then took the Gunels into custody, and locked them up for the night. Yesterday morning they were examined before the Mayor, and after a partial hearing remanded to a called Court, and refused bail.

Both of the young men declare themselves innocent of the crime, but admit that the circumstances connected with the theft, and the recovery of the property, are very dark. They are said to be respectably connected in Alabama, and have been good soldiers, but at the time of their arrest were patients at the Howard's Grove Hospital. Bad company has probably got them into this trouble.

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