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Mayor's Court.

--His Honor had a budget of "odds and ends" before him on Saturday last, but no case of special importance was brought to light. We notice briefly what occurred:

James Chandler, for being drunk and disorderly in the street, was held to bail.

Judy, a slave, for using insolent and provoking language to a white person, was punished.

Wm. Haines, charged with stealing a pair of pants from Edward Barr, is to be heard hereafter.

Emma, slave to Miss A. T. Hughes, charged with stealing a lot of trinkets, and Susan Hill and Mary Haines, for receiving the same, knowing them to be stolen, were ordered to be punished.

John West, a free boy, for stealing $60 in money from M. Myer, was ordered ten lashes. From this decision his counsel took an appeal to the Hustings Court.

William Krack alias Jim Krack, charged with stealing a bolt of cotton cloth from E. Goldsmith, and a pair of pants from David Barr, will be heard for the offence hereafter.

Charlene. Miller, for abusing and threatening violence to Sarah Ann Miller, was held to bail.

Samuel Allen, a paroled Federal soldier, was up for having sold himself as a substitute to J. W. Landrum for Mrs. E. J. Buford's son, receiving $10 in money and a suit of clothes as a bonus, and to receive $3,000 more when accepted and mustered in. As he had no right to substitute for any one the Mayor sent him to the chain gang for ninety days.

Joseph John McCarthy, charged with the murder of his wife, Ellen McCarthy, on Thursday night, was before the Mayor and by him remanded to an examining Court, the Coroner's inquest having found him guilty of the homicide. McCarthy is under the treatment of Dr. Trent for two wounds on his person, which he says his wife inflicted.

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