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Removal of Gen. Rosecrans,

--The committee appointed at Cincinnati to escort Gen. Rosecrans up from Louisville had an interview at that place with Secretary Stanton. A correspondent of the Gazette describes it as follows:

‘ On our arrival here we found that the Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War, was staying at the Galt House; and it being the impression of some of the members that he might, perhaps, throw some light on the subject of Gen. Rosecrans's removal, an interview was sought during the morning and obtained. The Secretary received them very cordially, and assured them that he was very glad to see them.

’ "You have had an election in Ohio, have you not?" inquired Mr. Stanton.

"It appears that we have," responded the delegation. "The Copperheads seem to know it, any way."

The Secretary smiled a feeble smile and relapsed into silence. The chairman of the delegation seized the opportunity of informing the Secretary that they were there to receive Gen. Rosecrans, stating that in his opinion the long absence of the General from his home, and the brilliant character of his campaign with the Army of the Cumberland, entitled him to expect a reception commensurate with the vast importance of the services he had rendered his country.

"Yes, he's been away a long time," replied the Secretary, and relapsed into silence again. This was the sum total of the information they were able to extort.

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