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Receiving a stolen horse.

--Yesterday morning a well-known German citizen, named Henry Neidrohr, appeared before the Mayor to answer the charge of receiving a horse stolen from Dr. S. M. Dold, Jr., knowing the same to have been stolen. Mr. Dold, the father of the Doctor, testified that he rode the horse to Fauquier county to see one of his sons, and on the night of the 17th of October put him into Mr. John M. Fant's stable. The next morning the horse was gone, and Mr. D. heard no more of him until Sunday last, when he received a telegraphic dispatch from the Doctor, stating that the horse was in Richmond. He came on here and identified the horse in the prisoner's possession as the one stolen from him about four weeks since. Dr. Dold also identified the horse as his property.

Neidrohr, in his own defence, exhibited a bill of sale for the animal, given him by Sergeant Stewart of the army, and had evidence to prove that he paid his money for the horse. His counsel did not doubt that the animal had been stolen from Mr. Dold, and was willing to give it up to him, but he was quite sure that the accused suspected nothing wrong when he made the purchase.

The Mayor directed Mr. Dold to take possession of the horse, as his property, and expressed the wish that all who purchased horses of soldiers without knowing them might have to give them up. There being no evidence to show that the prisoner knew the horse was stolen, he was discharged.

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