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Thursday, Oct. 1st, 1863.
The transactions in specie since our last report have been very light, but the figures indicate an upward tendency in both gold and silver. We quote buying rates by brokers as follows: Gold $11, silver $8. Selling rates: Gold $12.50, silver $10. The brokers are paying $2 50 for North Carolina and Virginia notes, and $3 to $3 25 for Georgia and South Carolina.--Their selling rates are $3 for Virginia and North Carolina, and $3 50 for Georgia and South Carolina.

Stocks and Bonds.--No material change. We quote Confederate bonds, cotton int loan, at 147 1-2, 100 M loan, with int, 105 to 112 1-2; 15 M loan, 170 and int; convertibles, 112; 7 per cent, 100 to 101.

State Bonds.--Va coupon, 425; Va reg'd, long dates, 185 to 187 1-2.

Bank Stocks.--Farmers' Bank stock, 150; Bank of the Commonwealth, 145 to 147 1-2; Bank of Richmond, 115; Bank of Virginia, 111; Traders' Bank, 147 1-2. But little doing in Railroad bonds. Va and Tenn R R, 2d mortgage, 231 and int; 3d mortgage, 170 and int.

Gritin.--The receipts of wheat are very light, and the mills embarrassed for want of grain. The mills of the city have been doing all in their power to supply the wants of the community, but the obstinacy of the farmers in withholding their grain from market at the prices fixed by the Government has retarded the operations of the principal mills of the city, and little more grain is received than the wants of the Government demand. Whatever deficiency may exist in the supply of flour cannot be attributed to the millers of the city, as the proprietors of both the Haxall and Gallego Mills have manifested a disposition to furnish flour to the poor of the city at the rates fixed by Government. Five dollars per bushel is the ruling price for wheat, though there have been some outside transactions at a higher figure.

Flour.--This article may be quoted, outside the mills, at $33 to 35. for Superfine; Extra, $40 to 42 50.

Corn Meal--$9 50 to 10 per bushel.

Country Produce and Vegetables.--Bacon, hoground, $2 40 to 2 50 per lb.; Lard, from $2 to 2 10; Butter, from $3 to 3 50; Eggs, $1 75 to 2; Irish Potatoes, good quality, $6 per bushel; Onions, $20 to $25; Flaxseed, none in market; Tallow Candles, $3 to 3 50; Tallow and Wax Candles, $3 50 to 4; Salt, 50 to 55 cents per lb.

Groceries.--We quote groceries as follows: Coffee — Java, $8 50; Rio, $7 50; Sugar — common brown, $2 75 to 3; crushed, $4 30 to 5. Molasses, $16 --little in market.

Liquors.--Whiskey, $35; Apple Brandy, good article, about the same price.

Fresh Meats and Poultry.--In the markets a good article of Beef is worth $1 25 per lb. Indifferent to fair is worth $1 per lb. Mutton, from $1 to 1 25. Ducks are worth from $5 50 to $6 per pair. Chickens, from $4 to 5 per pair.

Leather.--Sole Leather $5 50 to 6; Harness do. $5 50 to 6; Upper do. $6 50 to 7. Hides are quoted at $1 50 for dry; $1 for salted green, and 60c for green.

Tobacco.--Medium pound and half pounds $1 50 to 2 for dark; good medium bright from $2 to 2 50; fine bright from $2 to 3 50.

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