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Our prisoners at the North.

--We have conversed with two prisoners by the last flag of truce boat, one of whom — Alex. Wiel, of the 2d La.,--was from David's Island, N. Y., and the other — Thos. J. Grant, of the 13th Ala.,--from Harrisburg and Baltimore. David's Island is a place of about 90 acres, eighteen miles from New York, and the wounded prisoner is fortunate who gets there.--Some of our wounded were carried there from Gettysburg. Upon their arrival all of their clothes and blankets were burnt, and new and comfortable clothing furnished them. Mr. Weil says the clothing was of the most comfortable character, though the coats, which are U. S. regular coats, have the tails all cut off before they are given to the prisoners.--The men put them on, and thus, according to the jokers among them, became members of the "bob-tail battalion."--The food is excellent, and many delicacies are provided by the kindness of some ladies from New York, who have established three kitchens, independent of the hospital cooking apparatus. These ladies are very kind to the sick, and furnish them almost any sort of food they ask for. The 20th Indiana regiment was recently on guard there, and proved the members to be an an unmitigated set of brutes. They were succeeded by the 1st Massachusetts, who were entirely different, and very kind in their treatment of the men whom they were guarding.--When our wounded officers were sent from there to Johnson's Island, they were each given a $5 greenback. The quartermaster of the post is Mr. John H. Bosher, formerly of Richmond. Another place where the Confederate wounded are well treated is at Harrisburg, Pa. Our informant, Mr. Grant, who was wounded at Gettysburg, says the treatment there was most humane, and that the ladies did everything in their power for the wounded. The accounts of these two gentlemen are cheerful rays in the dark history of Yankee hospitals generally, and David's Island is as different from Fort Delaware as day is from night.

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