City Council.
--This body convened at 4 o'clock--yesterday afternoon, and, in the absence of Mr. Saunders, Mr. Haskins was called to the chair.Mr. Scott, from the Committee on the Fire Department, offered a resolution, which was adopted, that a committee of three, to be appointed, by the Council, shall have authority to arrange for the importation, through mercantile houses, or by their agent, of such supplies for the Fire Department, Water Works, Gas Works, &c. as they may deem indispensable, and authorizing the committee to draw on the Auditor for the funds necessary to carry out the purposes of the resolution.
A communication was received from the Mayor in reference to the transfer of the Mayor's court- room to the ball ever the Market, and signifying his to co-operate with the Council in the master. The communication was referred to the Committee on Public Buildings, with authority to fit up the room in question for the purpose specified.
Mr. Crutchfield presented an application from Rev. T. V. Moore to enter a calmest with a view to drain the water from the basement of his dwelling, which was caused to accumulate by the filling up of 4th street, north of Leight. The communication was referred to the Commissioner of Streets.
Mr. Burr offered a resolution, which was agreed to, that the present Committee on be authorized to contract with Col. John M. Clarkson, State Superintendent, for a supply of sale adequate to the waste of the city at $2 per bushel.
Mr. Scott presented the report of the Commissioners of Streets, with reference to the present condition of the streets of the city, setting forth that the hands and employed in making repairs have of into been engaged in hauling fuel for families in indigent circumstances. The report shows that the expenditures for repairs of streets, &c, during the past year, amounts to $29, 827.37
Mr. Walker moved that the report be printed; but the motion was last, only Walker and Denton voting for is. The report was then laid on the table.
The report of the Overseers of the Poor was presented by Mr. Berr, and an tion of $20,000 asked for and granted.
Mr. Burr, chairman of the committee to inquire into the expediency of transferring the duties of making out the gas and water from the Auditor's office to the respective departments, submitted a majority and, report — the former in opposition and the latter in favor of such transfer.
After some discussion, both the resorts were aid on the table.