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Progress of the war.

The draft Enforced in Washington — some of the Victims.

A correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, writing from Washington on the 3d, says the drafting commenced in the City Hall there that morning. Among the spectators were a large number of negroes, who, having been enrolled, are subject, as well as whites, to the draft:

The scene was a quiet one, with Captain Schultz, the Provost-Marshal, and Francis W-Blackford, the Commissioner, in charge, and the blind man drawing cut the names, one after another, as the box containing them was from time to time shaken up. Though the scene was quiet, it was a hot and anxious one, by reason of the temperature of the day and the deep personal interest felt by many in the result.

As a guard for the occasion, a company of the 153d Regiment New York Volunteers, under command of Capt. C. F. Putnam, was in attendance to preserve order, and sentinels were stationed at the doors of the room, and at the passages leading thereto. The drawing of the first ward (or first sub district) commenced at 9 o'clock, and was finished at about 2½ o'clock. The names were written upon cards, as returned by the enrolling officers, to the number of 3,842, from which 1,180 were drawn, the quota of the ward. The men drawn were 874 white and 306 colored.

Among those drawn are Capt. W. R. Hutton, of the engineers, now in charge of the Washington water works; W. A. Farree, an enrolling officer; Robert Lamon, deputy Marshal; George T. James, police man, and William and Edward Wormly, well-known colored caterers; also, Ed. V. House, correspondent of the New York Times; Fielder R. Dorsey, of the Globe office, and Remus Riggs, brother of George W. Riggs, the banker. The name of George Washington, as well as Napoleon Bonaparte, was announced as in for it.

At 3 o'clock the drawing for the second ward (or second sub-district) was commenced, the whole number of names put into the box being 2,480, and the quota to be drawn out 741, inclusive of the 50 per cent. for exempts, as in the former case. It was got through with about 6 o'clock. Among those drawn in the second ward was Mr. Uriah H. Painter, the Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer. In one family it is under stood that three- out of five brothers were drawn, and in the first ward it fell to the lot of a considerable number of the Quartermaster's clerks and others in that department to be called to another branch of the service.

To morrow (Tuesday) the draft for the third and fourth wards or sub districts will take place, commencing as 9 o'clock A. M. at the same place.

The draft in the North--what it will amount to — Plenty of money but no soldiers.

The draft is but the merest farce in some of the New England districts. For example, in the 4th (Boston) district, the whole number examined last week was 1,135, of whom 937 were exempted, 70 paid $360, which makes 1,007 that got clear, 108 offered substitutes, and ten were passed as fit for duty. Thus less than one in a hundred of the original conscripts go into the army. It will take a great many soldiers of the regular army to watch the conscripts. The Washington Star tells us:

Detachments from the various regiments of the Army of the Potomac continue to go North for drafted men. To day the following left on that mission, viz: Detachments of the 78th, 59th, and 102d New York; the 9th, 109th and 111th Pennsylvania; the 5th Connecticut; 18 men from other Pennsylvania and Ohio regiments, and 16 men from the second division of the second corps

The Pittsburg (Pa.) Dispatch, of Monday, says:

‘ There is quite a force here now from the old regiments, who have come to take charge of the drafted men. It is the intention to drill the conscripts for some time in camp. after which they will be sent to such regiments as they may have selected to join.

’ Substitutes continue to take legs to themselves, and flee away wherever they can. The New London Star says:

‘ On Saturday evening two of the substitutes sent down from Norwich the day before were shot while attempting to escape from the conscript camp in New Haven. One of the men was instantly killed, and the other was badly wounded.

’ A Vermont paper says:

‘ The four per cent. gives "Honest Abate" collectors twelve dollars for every drafted man that pays three hundred dollars. This will probably amount to to the three collectors in Vermont. That is the way when we have "honest men to ruin."When a conscript offers a substitute, which is escaped by the enrolling officer, at Hartford Count, the said substitute is instantly placed in the county jail, these to be kept till wanted.

’ All negroes takes under the present draft are to be separated from white conscripts by Provost Marshal, and consolidated into the nearest negro regiments or companies being organized in the several States. Instructions to this effect have been sent to the officials of Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. Negro conscripts in Pennsylvania are to be rendezvoused at Philadelphia, in the camp commanded by Col. Wagoner; in Ohio, at Camp Delaware; in Rhode Island, at the camp of the first company negro heavy artillery; in Maryland and Delaware, at Washington. Negro troops from New York, it is thought, will be rendezvoused at Washington.

The Boston Transcript says:

‘ Some of the substitutes who were placed in Brinley Hall, Worcester, for safe keeping, attempted to escape by digging a hole through the wall of the building, but their operations were discovered and frustrated, and yesterday the whole lot, seventy in-number, were sent to Long Island, in Boston harbor. A part of them are said to be New York roughs.

’ Six substitutes who escaped from Taunton on Saturday have been recaptured. One of the slippery fellows was a substitute broker.

On Saturday a meeting was held in Hackensack, in Bergen county, N. J., at which a series of resolutions were unanimously adopted denouncing the conscription act as "unjust, unconstitutional, and slavish in its provision," and that they will throw themselves upon the courts for "protection against the wrongs and outrages which the Government seeks to inflict," and failing redress there they intend to "resist with all the moans that has placed, in our power any attempted infringement of our rights and privileges as freemen in a free country, determined at all hazards to maintain their freedom." A copy of the enrollment was also demanded of the enrolling officer, which was refused, and the meeting adjourned.

Out of the fifty-four men from Nantucket and the Vineyard who have presented themselves to the Board in New Bedford, fifty one have received exemption papers, two have paid $300, and one has passed.

The fight with the Yankee Cavalry at Brandy Station.

The fight at Brandy Station on the 1st inst. was participated in by Perry's Florida brigade, which drove the Yankee cavalry in front of them with a loss to themselves of thirty killed and wounded. A correspondent of the Petersburg Express, writing from the 12th Va. regiment, gives an account of the share that regiment took in the fight. He says:

‘ The exigency was so great that although it was not the turn of our regiment to do the skirmishing, we had to be thrown in being in advance, and we scattered ourselves along the edge of a thick, tangled wood, through, which we advanced as rapidly as the obstructions permitted. We soon emerged at the other side on the edge of a plain, about 500 yards across, on the farther extremity of which the Yankees cavalry, a long line of dismounted troops acting as infantry, and two pieces of artillery, stood ready to give us welcome. Gen. Stuart rode up, and taking command of the line of skirmishers, comprising the 19th Mississippi and the 12th Virginia, gave the order to charge the enemy. With a genuine Confederate yell — a most distinct thing, be it known to you, from a Yankee cheer — the boys started off, two pieces of Stuart's light artillery following us.

’ Then began the most beautiful chase I ever witnessed. Whenever the crest of a hill gave the Yanks advantage of position, the gentry would halt from their line and pour in a fire of artillery and infantry until we got too close upon them to allow them much time for deliberate aiming, and their shot, both from cannon and small arms, flew very wide in the main. Thus, up hall and down dale, for four miles, without one step backward, or one moment's halt, except to take breath or advantage of the ground, across the magnificent plain on which Jeb held his great cavalry review last year, through cornfields and bogs, and athwart branches and fences, the chase was kept up till in the deepening twilight we drove them from their last stand at Brandy Station, firing our last shot on the plantation of John Minor Botts, and sending the reprobates flying at a speed which defied the efforts of our infantry.

Altogether it was a most successful affair, and Gen. Stuart, who remained with us all the time, was pleased to express his approbation of the Twelfth in very decided terms Calling a passing officer, he asked what brigade we belonged to, and on being informed that it was Mahone's, desired the officer to express to Gen. M. his "unqualified admiration of the conduct of his men, and to tell him that he had never been supported better in his life."

Our casualties you have already heard. The worst is that of poor Eddy Branch, who, having passed through every engagement of the war in which the regiment has been without a scratch, fell in the beginning of the skirmish, pierced through the right breast. I shook his hand as we moved by, expressing my hope that he would recover, but he replied, "No,--, I am a goner, I fear." In a half hour he was a corpse. He was a gallant and efficient officer.

Stuart I saw for the first time in action.--He rides well; has a full auburn (?) beard; is stouter than I supposed I should find him; has gray eyes, a florid face, and a very nonchalant expression. He canters along, whistling or humming an air, and breaking off in the midst of a stave to give an order or speak an encouraging word. Trotting up to me once he suggested that a volley from my company would drive the artillerists on our right from their guns, or make them take the piece off; and before he could see the order executed he was moving off with a stave of the "Bonnie Blue Flag."

Journal of a day's bombardment at CharlestonSumter to fall in ten days.

The editor of the Baltimore American, on the 1st inst, sailed from Port Royal to Charleston to witness "a day's shooting" there. He is the same blatherskite that wrote that the first engagement of the monitors, in which the Keokuk was sunk, was a reconnaissance, which admirably accomplished the results it was intended for. He says:

‘ The next distinctive object that came to view as we approached was the grim walls of Sumter, from the summit of which an occasional puff of white smoke was observed, indicating that she was taking a hand in the battle which was raging on the shores of Morris's Island, fully two miles distant from the fortress. From the summit of the fort the new rebel flag was soon distinguishable, with its white field and red union, and white cross of stars across the face of the red portion of the flag. Similar flags were discovered at Moultrie, at the Beach Inlet battery, and at other minor fortifications farther up in the harbor; whilst from the rear of Sumter, occupying a less prominent position, the Palmetto flag floated, which is always raised during a fight, as a compliment to "State sovereignty." We were soon far enough towards the bar to discover the points of the conflict which we had been watching in the distance with such eager interest, indicated principally by the puffs of smoke, and an occasional rumbling noise.

’ The scene now, however, was spread out before us very distinct. Fort Wagner formed the back ground of the picture, whilst in front was the monster iron-clad New Iron sides, belching forth fire, smoke, and metal at regular intervals from her broadsides, sometimes by single guns, at the rate of four or five a minute, and then by whole broadsides.--From about the centre of the island the siege battery of General Gilmore, with its powerful rifle-guns, was also contributing largely to the fury of the bombardment, sometimes with the return guns of the fort enveloping the whole foreground in an impenetrable veil of smoke.

The scene was quite an exciting one, and was watched with increased interest as our near approach rendered all the points of the picture more distinct. The rebel forts, in the meantime, were not idle, and, at regular intervals, responded to the vigorous attack of the Ironsides and the land battery. Fort Wagner fired one gun every few minutes, the men evidently being kept in bomb-proofs to protect them from the of shell and shot being poured into it from two different directions.

Fort occasionally ventured a shot at the Ironsides from her guns, but the distance was too and a half--to do any damage. Most of her shot fell far short, but those from the two guns on the South west corner, said to be the guns of the Keokuk, generally overshot their mark. it was a melancholy fight to see those two valuable guns, which height so easily have been saved from the hands of the enemy by ordinary vigilance and earnestness now in rebel hands, and being used to uphold the rebellion. An occasional shot was also fired from the Cummings's Point battery at the Ironsides, but it was only waste of ammunition as the few shot that struck bounded off from her iron mail and fell harmless into the sea. The enemy, apparently, merely kept up a show of fight, depending mainly on the defensive power of the earthworks, and wasting as little ammunition as possible. We came in view of the fight about one o'clock, and learned that it had been progressing all the morning with the same perseverance on the part of Admiral Dahlgren and General Gilmore; and further, that the work of to day was but a repetition of that of yesterday and the day before.

The fight thus continued until four o'clock, when a signal from the Admiral called the Ironsides out "to dinner." While dinner was progressing the land battery still kept at work unremittingly, and was responded to with two or three return shots from Fort Wagner.

At 5 o'clock two of the monitors steamed up the channel and took position about 1,000 yards from Fort Wagner and soon opened fire on this stubborn pile of earth, which has already withstood a battering for nearly a month and two land assault. The firing of the enemy against the monitors opened with great vim, Sumter joining in the melee and Cummings's Point also adding to the din of battle. The land siege battery seconded the monitors with renewed energy, and at the time we left harbor for Port Royal the bombardment was progressing with great fury, the approach of duck marking the explosions with flashes of flame, and the occasional shell bursting in the air could be traced by sparks of fire. The sight was becoming more grand as twilight approached, and we left with regret at being deprived of the view of the night bombardment. The mortar schooners take a hand in the work at night, thus keeping up almost a perpetual fire and "breaking the slumbers of the rebels.

In conversation with some officers from the Wabash, I find a very general confidence prevailing that within the next ten days the fall of Sumter would be consummated, and that Charleston must soon after succumb. They report everything as progressing satisfactorily and the fall of Fort Wagner as one of the events of the next few days. The constant bombardment now progressing is, I learn, mainly to conceal the erection, by Gen. Gilmore, of a masked battery within five hundred yards of Fort Wagner, and also to protect his troops in the operation. This new battery was expected to be ready to open on the enemy to morrow, and its advent will be a grand fusillade from the monitors and the Ironsides. It will be a sight worth seeing, and as I have just arranged to return direct to the bar I hope to obtain a good view of the event, and to be able to record to you its entire success. Fort Wagner is already a sightless mass of sand, and with the boring shell of Gen. Gilmore a strong effort will be made to penetrate its magazine and put a summary and to the vile concern. However, even if this attempt should fall-there is "no such word as fail" in the vocabulary of Admiral Dahlgren and Gen. Gilmore.

Yankee Description of the defences of Savannah.

The New South, a Yankee sheet published at Port Royal, S. C, has the following "important information" regarding the defences of Savannah:

The batteries defending the Savannah and Wilmington river approaches to the city are as follows: On Wilmington river the rebels have but one battery — Thunderbolt battery, mounting fourteen guns, and distant from Savannah five miles; opposite this battery obstructions have been sunk. At Buenaventura, a mile above Thunderbolt, and the commencement of the shell road leading to the city, there is a small fortification, but of little strength. The rebels some time since evacuated a powerful battery on Skiddaway Island.

The first fortification on Savannah river is Carnston's Bluff battery, which rather being situated on St. Augustine creek commands also Wilmington river. This battery mounts twelve guns, two 33 pounders, two 10 inch Columbiads, two 10 inch mortars, and the remainder are small pieces. Next in order comes Fort Jackson, mounting ten guns, opposite which, in the Savannah river, are obstructions, consisting of piles, old hulks, and torpedoes Next is Fort Lee, ten guns; then Fort Boggs, six guns; and finally Fort Lawton, situated on Hutchinson Island, and mounting eight guns. All these batteries, with the exception of Fort Beggs, bear directly on the obstructions. Around the southeastern part of the city is a large breastwork, the product of slave labor, which, mounted with guns of various calibre, forms the immediate defence of the city.

The ram Georgia, square-built and mounting fourteen guns, six each side and one each fore and art, is a perfect failure, though used as a floating battery, and lying under Fort Jackson, near the obstructions. A new ram, the Savannah, built after the plan of the Atlanta, and mounting eight guns, has been completed, and is at the wharves awaiting her crew and outfit. It is thought that she anticipates a passage via the old and fatal route of the Atlanta. The rebels have two more rams building, one has her hull completed and is receiving her armor, the other is in its commencement.

Savannah itself is deserted of troops, several regiments had been sent to the relief of Vicksburg before our Charleston demonstration, and since the latter event three regiments of infantry and Col. Anderson's artillery, numbering twenty-four brass 12-pounders, have been sent via Augusta to Charleston, leaving for the defence of the city but 900 cavalry 300 infantry and a battery of artillery. All the extensive batteries and fortifications before mentioned are for this reason only picketed and not garrisoned. The people of the city, thus left with batteries and guns, but no troops to make them available, have become greatly alarmed lest we should avail ourselves of their condition and capture Savannah. They have been for the last two weeks sending valuables, &c, into the interior of the State, daily expecting to-see a "Yankee cheese box" in sight, flanked by a land force. Gen. Mercer, who is in command, has repeatedly telegraphed to Gov. Brown for troops, but has invariably received the answer that "there are no troops to send, the inhabitants must protect themselves."

The Everglade, a steamer, is loaded with cotton and ready to run the blockade, and the only other vessel beside the rams in port is the Leandecker, a navy boat, mounting three 200 pound rifled guns. There are two canal-boats which the rebels have mounted with a few light pieces, and call them "floating batteries." The inhabitants are afraid to arm the negroes, and as the remaining population consists of aged men, boys, and women, we must conclude that the people of Savannah are not only wisely scared, but that a slight effort on our part would place as in possession of the city, and considerably enlarge the Department of the South.

Union meeting broken up in Missouri.

For several days of last week notice was published in the St. Louis papers that a mass meeting of the citizens of Marion county, Mo., would take place at Palmyra, at 2 P. M. Monday, "for the purpose of endorsing the action of the State Convention at its late meeting, and sustaining the Provisional Government of Missouri." The St. Louis Republican, of the 3d, says:

‘ The terms of this call are very explicit. Those who approved of the objects of the meeting, and "none others," were invited to be present, and this, doubtless, with a view to prevent any disturbance. But the radical and Jacobinical element at Hannibal were not willing that things should pass in this way, and accordingly we learn that the Hannibal and Palmyre train left the former city at 12½ o'clock, Monday, conveying about 500 persons to Palmyrs. Of this number over 300 were employees of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad Company — all of them radicals — and pretty well armed with revolvers, &c., showing conclusively that they went there to break up the meeting.

’ The speaking was to commence at two P. M., and of what transpired between that time and half- past 4 we have no information-- At that time the St. Joseph train reached the depot at Palmyrs, stopped a very short time, and took only one passenger. He stated that a general fight, with pistols, guns, &c., had been going on for about fifteen minutes, and that women and children were running in every direction to save their lives. Nothing more is known, but those who have been instrumental in inaugurating this state of affairs have much to answer for.


The New York papers publish a statement about Fort Darling, as they call Drewry's Bleff, and Richmond, furnished by Wm. J. Turner, of Portsmouth, Va, one of the Fort garrison, who deserted. The garrison at the bluff, according to this story, is only ninety men

The New York Herald thinks the capture of Charleston will obviate all necessity for and fears of a war with Europe.

Paymaster left Washington on the 4th to pay off the Army of the Potomac up to July 1st.

Dr. Ewell, of the Northern Neck of Virginia, in the old Capitol prison at Washington for disloyalty, has been released.

Mr. Vallandigham has left the Clifton House and sought quieter quarters at a short distance from there. This was necessitated by the crowd of callers by whom he was hourly beset.

The operators in the service of the American Telegraph company, numbering nearly five hundred persons, have established an Association similar to that of the Printers' Union, and will soon hold a Convention.

James Whitler, a barber from Maryland, is on trial in New York for being the leader of the rioters who mobbed the Tribune office.

Gov. Bradford has issued his proclamation calling upon the people of Maryland to respond to the recommendation of the President of the United States for the observance of Thursday next, 6th inst, as a day of thanksgiving, praise, and prayer for "the victories which have crowned the national arms." The Governor also sanctions the day as a legal holiday, upon which the banks and corporate institutions of the State can suspend business.

Gen. Stoneman will probably be the Chief of the Cavalry Bureau about to be organized in the War Department.

Gen. Dan Sickles has nearly recovered from his wounds, and on Saturday last gave a dinner party in New York.

"Gov." Pierpont, on a recent visit to Ohio, was arrested on the complaint of Judge Geo W. Thompson, of Wheeling, for false imprisonment. Pierpont gave $10,000 ball.

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Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) (3)
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (3)
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (3)
Brandy Station (Virginia, United States) (3)
Wilmington River (Georgia, United States) (2)
Savannah (Mississippi, United States) (2)
Rhode Island (Rhode Island, United States) (2)
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (2)
Worcester (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Wheeling, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Vermont (Vermont, United States) (1)
United States (United States) (1)
Taunton (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
St. Augustine Creek (Georgia, United States) (1)
Skidaway Island (Georgia, United States) (1)
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Norwich (Connecticut, United States) (1)
New England (United States) (1)
Morris Island (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Marion County, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
Long Island City (New York, United States) (1)
Hutchinson's Island (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Hannibal (Missouri, United States) (1)
Hackensack, N. J. (New Jersey, United States) (1)
Fort Lee (New Jersey, United States) (1)
Eddy Branch (Texas, United States) (1)
Delaware (Delaware, United States) (1)
Cumming's Point (South Carolina, United States) (1)
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