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General Bishop Polk.

--The Rev. Mr. Talbot, of Columbus, Ky., relates that while General Polk's army occupied Columbus he, "desiring to improve his opportunities for usefulness among his political enemies, consulted the General as to the propriety of an application to the American Bible Society for a box of Bibles and Testaments, to be distributed among the 'Confederate' soldiers. The ex-Bishop approved the suggestion very cordially, but was decidedly of the opinion that the application would be refused. It was, however, made out in due form, and sent to Cairo under a flag of truce. Thence it went forward to New York, and the donation was promptly granted by the society. The strangest part of the story, however, remains to be told. When the box containing these Bibles and Testaments reached Cairo, it was, upon examination. "pronounced contraband of war and stopped. It was not allowed to reach its destination."

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