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The most Brutal murder of the War

--The Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser learns from a relative of the victim the following pastionlars of the fiendish Marder of an old lady near Canton, Miss., by the yankees.

Mrs. M. R. Fort was a lady sixty-five years of age, of the highest respectability, and supposed to be worth some forty thousand dollars. She was visiting the house of a friend some six miles south of Canton, some two weeks ago, when some Yankee officers hearing of her wealth and believing that she had gone to the country for the purpose of hiding money, went with a gang of negro to the house at 2 o'clock A. M., took her out of had and whipped her until 6 o'clock--four hours--to make her where her money could be found. She no money, and of course could not satisfy the The wretched lady died under the torture of the last.

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Montgomery (Alabama, United States) (1)
Canton (Mississippi, United States) (1)
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