Further from Europe.
additional by the steamer Europa
Madrid, June 27.--In the Senate to-day Senor Calderon Collante expressed the hope that the action of France in Mexico would not exceed the limits presented by the London Convention. The ministers said that Spain would still exercise sufficient influence to obtain legislative satisfaction from Mexico, for she had not abandoned the employment of the necessary means.
It is positively affirmed that the King of Portugal is betrothed to the Princess of Savoy.
Latest Commercial intelligence.
Liverpool, Saturday evening, June 28. --The excitement in the cotton market has increased, with sales of 30,000 bales yesterday. There were sales to-day of 25,000 bales at prices ¼@1d. higher than official figures of yesterday. Breadstuffs unchanged. Provisions closed flat.London, Saturday, June 28.--Consols closed at 91¾@91¾ for money.