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Latest from the North.

Confused Dispatches from Vicksburg — all going well-grant Refuses to allow Pemberton to surrender!!!--a council of war in Washington, &c.

[from our own correspondent.]

Fredericksburg, May 31.
--I have received the New York Herald and Philadelphia Inquirer, of the 28th inst., and send you a summary of their contents. I commence with the Herald:

The following is the "situation" article of the Herald, of the 28th:

The latest news which the Government has received from Vicksburg is by way of Memphis up to 4 A. M. 24th. Vicksburg was then holding out, and Grant was hopeful of success. A storm interrupted telegraphic communication between Memphis and Cairo yesterday. Rumors, without confirmation, from Murfreesboro', state that Vicksburg had fallen on Sunday, and that Pemberton had got his army away safely, losing all his artillery.--Another dispatch from Chicago says that on Friday morning last Pemberton sent a flag of truce to Gran', offering to surrender Vicksburg if Grant would allow the rebels to lay down their arms and march out, and that the offer was refused. The tone of Southern journals in regard to Vicksburg is not very cheerful, though a little more confident than it was a few days ago, Bragg and Rosecrans, they say, are probably both sending off reinforcements to Pemberton and Grant. A rebel admission that Bragg was sending his troops towards Vicksburg.

Richmond papers, of the 25th, have been received. The news from Vicksburg, by way of Memphis, is almost invariably later than in the Richmond papers.

The number of rebels at Vicksburg is between 25,000 and 30,000. A special dispatch from Cairo, through Chicago, May 27th, says: On Thursday the rebel batteries on the hill north of the town were taken and turned on the enemy. On the evening of the same day the water batteries at the foot of the hill were captured. The same evening the water batteries below. Vicksburg were taken by Porter's mortar boats. On Friday the rebels were driven to the inner fortifications.--Grant's army stretches completely round the doomed city, both wings resting on the river. Vicksburg is full of women and children — many have come in from the surrounding country for safety.

A dispatch, dated three miles east of Vicksburg, May 25th, says: Our wounded at the battle of Champion Hill number 1,700. The enemy's loss is acknowledged to be not over half that. We had 20,000 troops engaged and the rebels about 10,000, according to their wounded. We took 3,000 prisoners, and about 3,000 at the battle of the bridge.

All possibility of escape is cut off. Every man, woman, and child must fall into our hands. At 2 o'clock yesterday the battle began in earnest. Gen. Steele drove the enemy from several forts, and took one complete line of fortifications, fronted by rifle pits.

It is morning. General McClernand, on the left, is not progressing so fast, but is doing well. We lost about 1,500 killed and wounded yesterday.

A correspondent says: ‘"In the late battle at Thompson's Hill we lost 528. The enemy's loss will reach 2,500, including 400 captured and paroled in the hospital at Port Gibson. Nearly 600 prisoners have already been sent North."’

The cavalry of the rebel Col. Breckinridge were pounced upon in their camp within 12 miles of McMinnville, near Murfreesboro', a few days ago, by General Wilson, with a force of Union infantry mounted. The camp was destroyed, and 9 prisoners and 25 horses captured. Morgan is falling back to Sparta to join Wharton's forces.

A dispatch from Cincinnati yesterday says that the report, through rebel sources, of the capture of Helena, Arkansas, by Gen. Price, is false.

The schooner Sea Bird, of Philadelphia, was captured and burnt by the rebels on the 20th inst., while aground at the mouth of the Neuse river. Her captain and crew were taken prisoners. The rebels boarded her in small boats from the shore. It is reported that all the rebel troops in North Carolina, including even the new conscripts, are moving to Virginia.

A long correspondence is published, containing an account of the attack of Col. J. R. Jones, of the 8th Pennsylvania volunteers, upon the enemy in their entrenchments at Gum Swamp, in which he captured their artillery ammunition, and over 200 prisoners, completely destroying their works, and for a time dispersing them. They rallied, however, and, following in the rear of our troops, harassed them considerably until they reached their own lines. Here the fire of the enemy became very severe, and, unfortunately, Col. Jones was shot dead behind his own breastworks.

The Seward Union Loyal League had a harmonious convention at Utica on the 27th. Several hundred returned volunteers were entertained by the ladies, and were expected to fraternize with the Leaguers, but, to the disgust of the politicians, they persisted in vociferously cheering for McClellan and Fitz John Porter, and some declared the meeting was nothing but an Abolition sell."

Five rebel spies and one Union soldier will suffer death to morrow. The rebels are Wm. B. Campton, Thomas Jenkins alias Hawkins, John B. Tyler, George P. Sims, George A. Burgess.

Gold sold down to 142½, then at 1435/8, 144, 144½ and closed at 5 P. M. at about 144 1-6. Exchange was down at 158@159.

The Herald says, editorially: ‘"It is now ascertained that Mr. Lincoln was not cognizant of, and consequently had nothing to do with, the recent political arrests and other arbitrary measures carried out in Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois by their pliant military tools — Burnside and Hascall. Stanton and Chase were electioneering, and deserve all the blame.’

The Herald complains of the internal or infernal revenue taxes — says it has paid $4,000 taxes, and wants to know if the collectors wish to have it paid two or three times a day to different persons, as it has been called on by several.

The Herald wants the negroes to be crucified — says ‘"we have no need of negroes at the North. Let the whole race be sent South. If they will not fight, they will do well enough to run away; but we hope they will be caught by the enemy and never exchanged. The country will have a good riddance of them."’

The Herald also says: ‘"In order to avoid a revolution in the Government, which may bring upon us all the evils of a financial convulsion, repudiation, and universal bankruptcy and chaos, give us Abraham Lincoln for the next Presidency."’

A council of war.

New York, May 27.
--A special dispatch from Washington to the Evening Post says:

‘ "A council of war was held yesterday at the White House. It was the result of the late visit of Senators Wade and Chandler to the Army of the Potomac, and had reference to the offensive movements which the rebels in Virginia have been for some time threatening.

"Gen. Hooker is said to express the opinion that they are bringing up all their forces from Charleston, and probably North Carolina, for the purpose of making an aggressive movement. In view of the publicity which has been given to these threats by the rebels themselves, it seems most likely that their design is to provide for the defence of Richmond, and by their usual bluster deter Hooker from making another advance."


A riot occurred at Harrisburg on Monday night, the 25th, by soldiers dissatisfied at delay in payment. None of the ringleaders have been discovered. The city will be taxed to pay damages to the amount of $3,000. On the 26th "there was no extensive outbreak, although several raids were made on other negro quariers, with but trifling damage. About a dozen window breakers were arrested."

At Huntington, Pa, on the 27th, the returned soldiers of the 125th regiment destroyed the Monitor office utterly, shouting, "Down with Copperhead traitors." The Journal says: ‘"It would have been worse than madness to have attempted to quell the outbreak by force."’

Defence of Pennsylvania.

Harrisburg, May 27.
--Gov. Curtin, by appointment, will leave this city this evening

for Washington, where, in conjunction with Major-General Schenck, hospital consult with the President and authorities relative to the future protection of the State against invasion. The Governor will be accompanied by Adjutant General Russell, who will urge payment of the militia called out in September last.

A special correspondent at Homerset, Ky., reports all quiet, and that the pickets of both armies have resumed their old positions. The rebels in Wayne county, in the south western part of the State, are estimated to be from six to eight thousand strong, with gram's headquarters at Monticello, the northern part of the county.

All going on well.

Washington, May 27
--Midnight.--The latest official intelligence from Vicksburg is up to 4 o'clock on Sunday morning, when all was represented as going on well.

Some of Mosby's guerillas fired on one of our pickets last night and killed one man. [How could he have killed more] From this the Secesh here have magnified an immense raid led by Lee and Stuart.

It is thought that the repeated rebel boasts of an invasion of the North are intended to cover some movement being made or to occur, to make us keep a large force along the border and in Washington unemployed.

The riot at Harrisburg, it seems, was some quarrel between a negro and some soldiers about payment for lager beer. The negro bitterly cursed the party, struck one, in the face, and had them arrested. They were released, got reinforcements, and the establishment. An exasperated soldier though, the hand, another by mistake. The soldiers battered in windows and gutted houses for squares in the negro quarters. Fears were entertained they would burn down that part of the town. Nearly all the negro huts were broken or demolished, and their furniture taken away. Occasionally a frightened woolly-head, cautiously protruding his head from some hidden recess, and great rolling eye-balls are tremblingly directed towards the excited soldiers. No white man's residence was injured. Some take the part of the negroes. The Mayor has not ordered a single arrest.

[This is fighting for the negro at the South and fighting with the negro at the North.]

The general opinion is that Bragg will evacuate.

The French had not abandoned the siege of Puebla on the 30th April, when they continued the bombardment, and were constructing ditches and mines preparatory to another assault.

The rebel debt is $900,000,000, and their expenses reach $300,000,000 per month. The British national debt will scarcely suffice to pay their next year's obligations.

The Northern people are one in this great purpose — to suppress at any cast this want on rebellion, and to restore the supreme authority of the Government over all of its territory. (co says the Philadelphia Inquirer.) Bat the question is, can you do it?

The enrollment in New York city is proceeding quietly but effectually. The names of all persons of color are taken down with the rest. Any distinction to be made will be made when the draft begins.

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