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Congressional Summary.

In the Seriats, Friday, a House bill was passed planing in the military service of the Confederate States, after the 1st of July next, all parsons claiming to be citizens of the United States, (Including Marylanders,) residing or sojourning in the Confederate States.

The House bill to punish trading in Yankee Treasury notes or bonds was postponed until the next session.

A report relative to the case of Major Tochman was agreed to. It expresses the opinion that he had reason to believe that he was to be appointed to the command of a brigade, and that his services would, no doubt, have been eminently advantageous in the position for which he supposed himself designed.

A message from the President was received, returning with his disapproval, the act to authorise the transmission of newspapers to soldiers free of postage.

The House amendment to the Senate bill establishing the Confederate flag was concurred in.

At 4 o'clock the Senate took a recess until 8 o'clock P. M.

In the House, a bill of the Senate to establish the flag of the Confederate States, with an amendment by Mr. Gray, of Texas, striking out the blue bar from the red field, was passed. The flag as adopted in as follows:

‘ "A white field, two thirds the length of the entire flag, the union to be the same as the present battle flag, to cover two-thirds of the width, with a ground of red; a broad salter of blue, with mulletts or five pointed stars, corresponding with the number of the Confederate States"

’ The House took up and passed a resolution of the Senate extending the time of adjournment till 4 o'clock P. M.

Senate amendments to the bill to better provide the sick and wounded of the army in hospitals were agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Perkins, of La, a committee was appointed to wait on the President, in conjunction with a similar committee on the part of the and inform him that the two House of Congress would adjourn at 4 P. M. The motion was agreed to, and Messrs. Perkins, Holcombe and Carry appointed to act as the committee on the part of the House. After a Mr. Perkins reported on the part of the committee that they had waited upon the President, and he had in formed them that he had a message to communicate which would not be ready to send in by the hour fixed for adjournment. The two committees recommended that the hour of adjournment be postponed till 9 o'clock, which was agreed to. The House then took a recess till 8 o'clock.

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