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Blacking from China Bakeries.

--The Columbus Sun recommends its readers to preventive the following receipt:

‘ If you want good blacking, take a half bushel of China berries, and having them well picked from the stems, put into a kettle, and add three gummous of water; boil down to one gallon, then strain the liquor, through a shelve, from the seed and skins, and add as much pine wood (the richer the better) soot as will make a good black, and it is ready for use. A pint of good, or a quart of weak vinegar, (or stale beer,) first mixed with the soot will make it better, and if you add the whole of one egg to half a gallon of the liquor it will be best, and equal to any Yankee blacking. This blacking costs little besides trouble; and we have seen boots cleaned with it inferior to none in gloss, and it will not soil a white handkerchief. Let it stand several days before you bottle it off.

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