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Latest Northern and European news.

We have received Northern dates to the 26th of February, three days later than previous advices.

The bill to enrol and call out the militia passed the Yankee House of Representatives, with amendments — yeas 115, nays 49.

The Senate passed a bill authorizing the President to suspend the writ of habeas corpus--yeas 24, nays 13.

The New York World says gold was furious on the 24th. The premium touched 72, with heavy sales, mostly from foreigners.

Mr. Thomas H. Seymour, the Democratic candidate for Governor of Connecticut, concluded a speech, delivered in the City Hall at Hartford, on the 9th of February, as follows:

These popular uprisings are not merely special in their character, but broad and general as the universal air, and sweep, at with the wings of an archangel, the vast horizon of maladministration and of horrible battle fields. The true meaning of this is that the people are sick of this horrible fratricidal war, and demand that it shall be speedily terminated. I avow myself opposed to it and ask for a cessation of hostilities. In vain protect against illegal arrests and wicked proclamations, if you have got a war policy that justifies both. I can't for the life of me see how great wrongs are to be redressed and the Union re-established while measures are on foot which render it impossible to accomplish either on the war plan. Now I am for redressing these wrongs, and doing what can be done for the Union cause. I am for getting back the Southern States by fair and honorable means, if such a thing be possible; and I will hope for the best. And I want to get them back as they were I don't want conquered, blood drenched States, with their ruined homes and a weeping population, to make a Union for me. Such a Union would be a mockery of the name. The Union I desire is a Union of hearts and hands, such as our fathers gave us.

The New York World says: ‘"It is manifest that on every side the most terrible and decisive battles of the war are about to take place."’

The Baltimore Gazette says: ‘"If it be true that the weekly average of deaths in the army of the Mississippi is seven hundred, the amount of sickness among the troops must be terrible in the extreme. Under such circumstances the resumption of active operations on the part of Gen. Grant appears to be quite as much a matter of necessity as of good policy."’

The Yankee papers publish the Southern accounts of the capture of the Queen of the West.

The following paragraph appears in the New York journals:

Information has been received in New York, from Richmond, that the Grand Lodge of Virginia, recently in session there, rescinded the resolution adopted by that body in 1860, forbidding intercourse with the Masons under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of New York.

From the Washington correspondence of the New York Herald we copy this paragraph:

It is understood that as soon as the Conscription bill shall have passed the House, there will be a call made for six or eight hundred thousand men. It is expected that the soldiers whose term of service is about expiring will offer themselves as substitutes for the unwilling conscripts.

Gov. Gamble, in a message to the Legislature of Missouri, denounces the Delaware peace resolutions, and recommends that they be passed over in silence.

A Washington dispatch to the New York Tribune says:

‘ The revolutionary and treasonable attitude assumed by the copperheads of Connecticut, in their recent Convention, is attracting, as it should, the special attention of the Government. There is a limit to the forbearance of the Administration.

’ A Nashville dispatch, Feb. 25th, says:

Gen. Wheeler's whole force of four brigades of rebel cavalry are this side of Columbia, Tenn., and reported to be carrying off all able-bodied contrabands South. A portion of this force are within four miles of Franklin. Last night the Federal lines were at Franklin, and a large force under Col. Gilbert was at that place, No. fears were entertained of an attack by the rebels.

It is asserted that Vice President Hamlin has gone Northward for the role purpose of obtaining officers for a negro brigade which is being raised in Louisiana, the officers of which are to be commissioned by the Governor of Maine.

In Baltimore the money market is as much excited as in New York. On the 25th the closing rates for gold were 172½ bid, 173 asked; 160 bid, 164 asked.

From Europe.

The steamer Jura, from Liverpool on the 12th and Londonderry on the 3rd of February, has arrived at Portland.

Mr. Mason was present at the Lord Mayor's banquet. In his speech he said that he anticipated a close and intimate relationship to be established between his Government and that of England at a day not far off. The declaration was received with much applause.

The London Times says Mr. Mason was much too fast; that present proceedings mean nothing.

The rebel steamer Sumter had escaped from Gibraltar, and the U. S. gunboat Tuscarora had sailed for Cadiz from Madeira.

It was stated that the new steamer No. 286 was in the Morsey on the 5th, and expected to sail in a few days for a rebel rendezvous.

The reply of Lincoln to the Manchester Address had been published. It deplores the sufferings occasioned by the cotton famine, but rejoices that the efforts to create sympathy for the Secessionists have failed in England. He eulogizes the utterances of the Manchester meeting as sublime heroism, and expresses an earnest desire for perpetual peace between the two nations.

Meetings have been held in England expressing warm sympathy for the North. Secession sympathizers attempted to disturb the meeting held at Everton

The Bertin papers announce news of an alarming character from the Polish provinces, the agitation having crossed the Prussian frontier.

In Liverpool the cotton sales for the week amounted to 25,000 bales, the market closing dull at a decline of Consols closed at 92"@9½ for money.

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