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Alleged Cure for small-pox.

A correspondent in Covington sends the following ‘"alleged cure for small-pox."’ He says he cut it from a paper some years since. The remedy may be a good one, and if so, its publication at this time may be attended with benefit to those who are so unfortunate as to contract that loathsome disease, now becoming so prevalent in different portions of our Confederacy:

‘ The United States Consul at the Rio Grande de Sul, Brazil, has transmitted to the Department of State a very interesting communication from Dr. R. Landell, of Post Alegre, claiming the discovery of a cure for the small-pox. Dr. Landell states that the idea of using the remedy to be mentioned first occurred to him during a terrible epidemic of the disease in 1837; but that he first administered it in 1842, since which time his success, and that of his son, Dr. John Landell, and other colleagues in the treatment of small-pox, has been most flattering.--As the Secretary of State has communicated Dr. Landell's paper entire to the leading journal of the medical profession in the United States, (says the Washington Union, from which we copy) it is only necessary for our purpose to extract that portion of the paper which discloses the remedy and its proper exhibition:

Dissolve the vaccine that is contained in a scab on a pair of plates or a capillary tube, which is about four or six ounces of sold water, and give to the patient a tablespoonful every two or three hours.

The favorable result of this exhibition is, that it mitigates the symptoms, modifies the species, and cures the small-pox.

I recognise that as vaccine applied externally prevents the small-pox, so, also, being taken inwardly, in the manner above indicated, it cures quickly and efficaciously the small-pox in all its stages.

Under its use, the fever, the delirium, the hoarseness, diarrhoeas, pneumonia, cerebral congestion, and, finally, the secondary fever, disappear.

Beginning the treatment on the second or third day of the eruption, the small-pox becomes as varicella or varioloid; although the epiderm is thickened and in a state of congestion, and in five days becomes dry without suppuration.

Applying the same treatment on the fourth or fifth day of the eruption, the small pox become as if they were the true vaccine; fill and dry in the space of ten days, with suppuration.

Considering then than the vesicles and pustules ought to be opened, for two or three times, always that they contain any liquid, and beginning the third day to prevent the secondary fever. I have had since 1843 more than thirty cases, and in fourteen paid particular attention; there were three severe continent cases, eleven less severe, although distinct.

Since I had recourse to this treatment I have not lost a single patient by the small pox. At my request, some of my colleagues are using this system, and they are well as I, have reaped the most Battering results.

These effects are supporter to my expectation, and even to my comprehension; in fact, the vaccine neutralizes the variola virus, or one morbid action destroys the effects of another. By this treatment I have seen disappear the fever, delirium, hoarseness, diarrhoeas, pneumonia, cerebral congestion, and the secondary fever.

It may be mentioned here that the use of emollient clysters, or castor oil internally, to keep the bowels loose, and in children calomel, is very necessary, as also gargles of nitrate of silver and chibouque of lime

After the fifth day give baths of warm water, with a little chioruste of lime, or chibouque of soda, or sponge the body.

Also have given vaccine inwardly as a therapeutic remedy in whooping cough, and with benefit; in some cases the whoop or convulsion cough disappeared in ten hours, remaining only a simple cough, which extinguishes in four or twelve days.

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