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Church and State.

--The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger gives publicity to the following curious paragraph:

‘ The editor of the Church Journal to day reiterates that a strong political and official pressure was brought to bear upon the Episcopal General Convention recently in session here, to make it take the high ground it did against the rebellion. Both Mr. Seward and Mr. Chase, we are told, wrote letters to the Bishops, not once or twice only, but nearly every day during the session, and that ‘"these letters or parts of them were read informally to knots of Bishops, or shown privately"’ Another curious fact, vouched for by the same authority, is this: ‘"That of the very large number of copies of the Pastoral Address, printed at the expense of the General Convention, no less than one-fiftieth part of the whole issue was sent to Mr. Seward and Mr. Chase."’

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