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The raid at Fredericksburg.

By an extra from the Herald office, we are placed in possession of full particulars of the Yankee raid into Fredericksburg on Sunday last. This account states that about 9 o'clock a force of Federal cavalry crossed the river just above the bridge at Falmouth and quietly proceeded down the road for half a mile to Fredericksburg, taking the Main street, and keeping up the most nonchalant air of security.

On reaching the cross street near the railroad they turned towards the tobacco factory, the headquarters of the Confederate cavalry here. Lieut. Col. Critcher, the commandant of this post, was approaching headquarters, some two hundred yards off, at the time, on foot, and seeing the United States force drawn up supposed it to be a company of Confederate cavalry, Captain Simpson's, that had arrived the night before, many of whom were dressed in trophies taken from the Yankees before Richmond, in the way of coats, overcoats, &c. This delusion was quickly dispelled by the rush towards him of his own cavalry, that had been at headquarters. Col Critcher at once ordered his men to form, and called on his officers to assist; but whilst some ten expressed their readiness, the other portion, consisting of not more than thirty, could not be induced to stand, and the whole fell back about a mile from town, where the line was formed. In the meantime the Federal cavalry dispersed in squads, under their respective Lieutenants, and these squads made captures of over twenty of our men, consisting of cavalrymen and soldiers here on the sick list.

Whilst this was going on, a portion of Capt. Simpson's cavalry formed in front of Citizen's Hall, and dashed at a Federal force. A lively fight, in which some forty shots were exchanged, took place in the vicinity of Welford's machine shop, in which Walter B. Thompson, of Princess Anne county, Va., was shot. He was picked up immediately and spoke but a few words, saying he was an only son, and taking leave of those around him.

About fifty yards from the spot where young Thompson fell, a Federal cavalryman was riding with the Stars and Bars he had captured at headquarters. A confederate near by called upon him twice to surrender, which was not heeded, and as he was in the act of riding off the soldier fired and killed him instantly. From letters on his person the body proved to be that of Robert Gaphin, of Terre Haute, Ind. He was a youth of probably 18 or 19 years.

Capt. Simpson's company followed the Federal in a charge all the way up Main street, as far as the Woolen Factory, where they ceased the pursuit. At this point one Federal was cut down and brought back, two taken prisoners, and two Confederates released. In the meantime another party of Federal, who had taken a circuit around the Fair Ground, returned; but Capt. Simpson's company missed them, and returned, we believe, to their camp, half a mile from town.

Lieut. Col. Critcher having succeeded in forming his men — there being less than forty present — proceeded in person to the upper Ferry, where he learned the Federal had all recrossed to Falmouth. Having sent for his men, they crossed to Falmouth in pursuit; but the Federal had all left, save two men, who claim to have been left with a flag of truce to look after the killed and wounded. Both were brought over to town. The Federal captured about 800 yards woolen cloth, that had been hastily taken from Kelly, Tackett & Co.'s woolen mill for the purpose of securing it. They also captured and paroled some 20 or 30 of our men. In front of the Virginia Bank a number of shots were exchanged, six bullets going through the doors and the counter inside.

A Federal, with a revolver in his hand, was taking two Confederates up Main street very quietly, when one of our brave young ladies dashed into the street, pistol in hand, and was restrained from firing at him with difficulty. Directly thereafter two of Capt. Simpson's men came up. She called on them to follow and rescue the Confederates, which they proceeded to do at once. The Federal hearing them approaching, turned on his horse and took six deliberate shots at them, but neither took effect. The firing took place in the square on which we live, and some of it immediately in front of our residence. The Confederates were released, and soon thereafter the Federal captured.

From the prisoners we learn the Federal force consisted of parts of two Indiana companies. (55 men,) under Capts Sharra and Matheny, and picked men from the 6th Ohio (80 men) under a Major. The whole force was therefore only 135 men. Captain Dahlgren, of Gen Sigel's staff was, in command.--Only about one-half of his force crossed the river and came to Fredericksburg. Citizens of Falmouth say the whole force reached 210; but our information is from Federal prisoners. The spirit of Capt. Simpson's company is highly extolled.--They had arrived only the night before, and were weary, but they dashed into the fray in gallant style.

Citizens were not interfered with nor their property injured.

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