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Synod of the United Presbyterian Church.

--Synod convened Saturday morning (not having adjourned Saturday, as stated.)

The next meeting of the body was fixed for the fourth Wednesday in October, 1863, at the Second Church, in Lynchburg.

A resolution recommending the Christian Observer to support, was adopted.

The Committee on Minutes of the United Synod presented their report, which was adopted. We have only room for the following portion of it:

Whereas, since the organization of the United Synod of the United States of America, in 1858, a conflict has arisen between the different States comprising the Government formerly known as ‘"The United States of America,"’ and resulting in the establishment of a separate, independent civil Government for the South, under the name of ‘"The Confederate States of America:"’ and, whereas, by the aforesaid changes in the civil government of the country within which, chiefly, our Church is situated, a portion of its designating has become a misnomer and improper, because geographically incorrect: Therefore,

Resolved, That the Synod of Virginia recommend to the next United Synod to take measures so to amend the name and style of the latter that it shall read ‘"The United Synod of the Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States of America."’

The preamble and resolution were passed Neman.

Rev. Drs. Brown and Burrows being present, were invited to sit as corresponding members.

A resolution to encourage and promote Foreign and Home Missions was passed,

The Committee on Finance reported that they had received from the Presbyterian a sufficient amount to pay the salary of the stated Clerk.

On motion, the Synod adjourned to 9½ A. M. Monday.

Pursuant to adjournment, the Synod convened at 9½ A. M., and engaged an hour in devotional exercises.

After a discussion on the subject of Missions in connection with the United Synod, and in view of the wants of several fields brought to the notice of the Synod, the following resolutions were passed:

Resolved, That in view of the increasing wants of our Heme Mission field, especially in view of the fact that number of our congregations have been greatly weakened by the presence of the invading Federal army, and both ministers and people claim our sympathy and need our pecuniary aid, in order to maintain the regular worship of God amongst them, therefore it is recommended to all our ministers to present this object to the special attention of their respective charges, and solicit their liberal contributions in its behalf, and to remit the same to the Treasurer of the United Synod's Board, Mr. Samuel M. Price.

Resolved, That the Secretary of the United Synod Board be requested to address an invitation to other Boards in session within their bounds, and solicit their active and liberal co-operation in the support of our missions, and that their contributions be forwarded to the Rev. P. B. Price, Treasurer of the Board.

The Committee on the State of Religion presented their report, which was read and adopted.

The report sets forth that notwithstanding the many obstacles which have surrounded the Church since the commencement of the war, the Synod has good reason for encouragement, and to put forth renewed exertions in the good work for advancing the cause of religion.

A resolution favoring the pressing of applications for subscriptions to the Theological Seminary was adopted.

The body then adjourned since die.

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