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The Legislature.

In the Senate, yesterday, House bill to authorize the Governor to settle the account of Sampson Jones, &c., was passed. The account refers to rations furnished the City Battalion.

Mr. Aldison offered a resolution that the Committee of Courts of Justice be directed to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill granting an amnesty to all citizens who have given evidence of loyalty to the State of Virginia, but who, from force of circumstances, have been compelled to take the oath of allegiance to the Federal or Pierpont Government. Adopted,

A resolution was submitted to the effect that when the Senate adjourn on Thursday next, it will, with the concurrence of the House, adjourn to meet on the first Wednesday in January next, unless sooner convened by the Governor. Agreed to.

Mr. Armstrong reported a bill ‘"To enlarge the powers of the Common Council of the city of Richmond."’ Read the first time.

Mr. Armstrong offered the following:

Resolved, That the Committee of Courts of Justice inquire whether the Court of Appeals of the State has been interrupted or interfered with in the performance of its duties; and if so, to what extent, and by what authority, and what action is necessary to enable said Court to discharge its functions. Adopted.

Mr. Collier asked leave to introduce a bill to prescribe the mode of filling vacancies in the General Assembly of Virginia in certain cases. Read the first time.

The Senate then went into secret session.

In the House, the following bills were reported: To permit certain citizens to vote out of their counties and corporations during the war. A bill changing the time of holding elections in counties and cities of the Commonwealth which have been or may be hereafter, in possession of the public enemy. A bill to regulate the charges of Express Companies.

Mr. Walker, of Augusta, offered the following resolution:

It being understood that the President of the Confederate States, in a communication this day addressed to the House of Representatives, claims the right, and is practically exercising the power, to arrest and imprison citizens of Virginia, unconnected with the army and navy, for offences not known to the laws of Virginia or of the Confederate States, but constituted wholly by military orders--

Resolved by the Senate and House of Delegates, That the Governor of Virginia be requested to cause the Attorney General and the Attorneys for the Commonwealth to institute judicial proceedings, for the purpose of testing the right so asserted by the President, and of protecting the citizens of Virginia.

The resolution, on motion of Mr. Robertson, of Richmond, was laid over until to-day.

The Salt bill next came up, and pending the consideration of the same, the House adjourned.

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