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Daring robbery.

--On Wednesday night last an old gentleman named Moon, from Prince Edward county, was garroted on Cary street, between 6th and 7th, and robbed of a silver watch. The circumstances connected with the robbery are these: On the night stated Mr. Moon went to the Columbian Hotel to see a friend whom he expected from the country, and while looking about in the crowd for him, he was approached by a stranger and accosted very blandly in some common-place remarks. This led to a conversation, in the course of which Mr. Moon expressed his wish to obtain a passport to leave the city. The stranger at once offered to accompany him to the passport office, and accordingly they left the hotel together. On their return they extended their walk, passing into Cary street above 7th. Here they were met by another man, who halted them near the corner, and accosted the stranger in a familiar tone.--This caused Mr. Moon to realize in his mind that he was unsafe in the company of two unknown men at night, in an unfrequented portion of the city, and he quietly opened a knife which he had in his pocket, at the same time moving off and wishing them good night.--Without receiving any answer he was seized at once by the throat, from behind, and thrown violently to the ground, while at the same moment a hand was thrust into his pockets. Instantly drawing his knife he cut vigorously upward, causing the robber to release his hold and run, and evidently inflicting a severe wound, as the clothing of Mr. Moon was covered with blood, which could also be traced for some distance along the pavement. Seeing the condition of his comrade, and fearing a similar fate the remaining scoundrel also fled, without getting $161 which Mr. M. had in his pocket. There is no trace to the perpetrators of this outrage, though one of them may be compelled to obtain surgical aid, which may lead to his detection.

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