St. Johns,September 1.
--The steamer North American passed Cape Race on Sunday morning with later advices from Europe.The United States steamer Tuscarora had returned to Kingstown.
The London Times, speaking of the conscription in the United States, says that the land of freedom is now ruled by a force that is creating terror.
The London Herald says it would be the salvation of the Northern States if Europe would immediately forbid the continuance of the war.
The embarkation of French troops for Mexico had been suspended till after the arrival of the next mail from Vera Cruz.
From Italy the statement is confirmed that Garibaldi entered Datania and was well received by the people.
In the Italian Senate on the 20th, an explanation of events in Sicily was asked for, when Retaggi replied that the Government considered Garibaldi in a state of rebellion, and that the situation of Italy was grave, but he hoped the difficulties would be surmounted.
Commercial News.
Liverpool, August 23. --Cotton — Sales of the week 113.000 bales, including 72,000 bales to speculators. American cotton has advanced 4@6½d. and the market is excited. [The advance of 4 4½d. is what the dispatch says, but it probably means ¼@d. per lb.]Breadstuffs closed dull.
Provisions also closed dull.
Consols closed at 93@93½.
The latest.
London, Friday, P. M.--The Garibaldian question is unchanged. Sicily is proclaimed to be in a state of siege. General Cugia has issued a proclamation, saying that he will dissolve every armed hand by force.