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Religious Publications.

--Since the beginning of the war the Army Colportage Society (of which Rev. A. E. Dickinson is Agent) has received $36,000, and published and distributed over 9,000,000 pages of tracts. Among the last published are: ‘"Soldiers' Text Book,"’ by J. R. McDuff, D. D., forty-eight pages; ‘"To a Christian in the Army,"’ by Rev. T. V. Moore, D. D; ‘"The Great Day of Wrath and of Glory,"’ by Rev. John S. Long, of the North Carolina Methodist Conference; ‘"Advice to Soldiers,"’ by Prof. Royall, of Wake Forest College; ‘"The Great Question Answered,"’ by Andrew Fuller, and ‘"The Sinner and his Saviour."’ The Evangelical Tract Society, of Petersburg, is also pushing ahead with great vigor. Last week $450 was contributed to it in Lynchburg, and $61 in Farmville.

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