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Capture of a Distinguished Prisoner.

--The Warrenton (Va) correspondent of the New York Herald, says:

‘ Among the prisoners captured at Orange Court-House on Saturday last was a Captain from this town, named A. Murat Willis, who, from his family connections, appears to be quite an important personage. Besides being immensely rich, he boasts (or his friends boast for him) that his oldest sister married the son of Marshal Murat, and is now a Princess by virtues of a decree of the present Napoleon, though still living in Florida; and another sister is the wife of Commodore Dallas, formerly of the United States Navy. Capt. Willis was an Aid de-Camp to Gen, Early at the battle of Bull Run, and received special mention in that officer's official report for gallantry and bravery. Afterwards he raised a company of cavalry and joined Ashby's famous regiment, and became one of the most dreaded scouts in this section of rebeldom.

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