Money, stocks, &c.
Gold is now quoted in this market at 100 to 120 per cent. premium, and silver at 70 per cent., with a scarcity. Confederate bonds of the $100,000,000 loan have advanced since the 1st of this month from 92½ to 100 and interest, and of the $15,000,000 or cotton loan, from 94 to 100½ and interest. Convertible bonds (8's) are quoted at 101. This remarkable advance in Confederate stocks shows how quickly confidence was restored to the people after the battles which commenced on the 25th of June and terminated so gloriously for our arms.--They are now sought after with more eagerness, than any other description of stock investment.--There was little cause for their depreciation at all and the teachings of the past few weeks will, we doubt not, have a salutary effect in the future. Virginia State stocks, though not so especially the favorites among buyers as they were a short time since, yet command 100 in the market, with some inquiry.In the produce market, war prices still predominate, notwithstanding the increased facilities for transportation.