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Unofficial account of the Triumph on the Mississippi.

Mobile, July 15th.
--A special dispatch to the Advertiser and Register, from Vicksburg, to-day, says that the ram Arkansas came out of the Yazoo river and fought through the enemy's upper fleet, inflicting great damage. She is now safe under our guns, preparing for another dash. Two shots only penetrated her. Our loss was twenty killed and wounded. Capt. Brown was wounded slightly.--The enemy's lower fleet is hastily retiring.

Another account.

Jackson, July 15.
--A dispatch to the Mississippi plan says that the monster, Arkansas, this morning came through the Federal fleet under a heavy fire, losing five killed and three wounded. The damage done to her is trifling, chiefly to the smoke stack. She is now at Vicksburg, and the wounded have been sent ashore. Gens. Van Dorn, Breckinridge and Smith visited her. The Federal loss is unknown.

[Second Dispatch.]

Jackson, July 15th.
--The Arkansas sunk two boats, coming out of Yazoo river. The Federal fleet opened on both sides, pouring in a terrific fire as she passed. On opening a port hole for air, a shell entered, killing nine and wounding several others. The ram Benton attempted to butt the Arkansas, but missed her and was struck by the Arkansas. She put for shore, in a sinking condition. Another Federal gunboat was fired. All the transports in the fleet below left. One mortar boat grounded, and was burnt. The Arkansas is scarcely injured, and is expected to go down the river.

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