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From the North.

Affaire on the PeninsulaStuart's Recennelesunce, &c., &c.

We have been placed in possession of a late number of the New York Herald, from which we copy some matters of interest connected with the movements of the war:

"the raid of the first Virginia cavalry."

White House, Va., June 15, 1862.
--The excitement caused by the sadden raid of the First Virginia cavalry near this place, and the guerrilla attack at Tunstall's Station on Friday night, are the principal topics of conversation throughout the army.--it is allowed by all to be one of the most daring attacks ever known, and is certainly greatly to the rebels credit, as far as the bravery of the whole thing is concerned. Many speak strongly against the entire liberty allowed the negroes, who are not in any single case prohibited from communicating to whom they please, or going where they like, except to such places as require passes from any one. Something should be done to their masters also, besides allowing them to remain at home and within our lines without a guard, and allowed to go where they please, simply because they took the oath of allegiance, which to them is not considered binding in the least degree, as it is considered compulsory. At Savage's Station I learned that Mr. Savage took the oath of alleglance to the United States; yet he has now two sons in Richmond--one in the army, and the other private Secretary to Jeff. Davis. Two or three days since he went off unmoslested, and has not been heard of since. He is an old man, about 70 years of age, and, perhaps, was considered perfectly harmless. --At Garlick's landing, alos, where the two schooners were burned on Friday night by Stuart's cavalry, a miller took the oath of allegiance when our army appeared in this section of country. The other day a quantity of corn was sent to him to be ground, when he said that he'd be damned if he'd grind any more Yankee corn, and that they were to remember that Jeff. Davis was not dead yet. Carlick himself now lives withing our lines. He has a summer residence at Hanover Court-House; and a gentleman to-day informed me that a few days since he sent his wagon down to the landing for provisious, to be taken to Hanover Court-House. Dr. Hamilton, who was arrested yesterday on suspicion of being the one who guided the rebels, is said to be one of the most bitter Secessionists in the State of Virginia, and yet he was allowed to remain unmolested, and without a guard, simply because he took the oath of allegiance. To-day a report is circulated that one of our own men, in the regular cavalry, deserted to the enemy a week or two ago, and that he was recognized by several as the guide of the First Virginia Cavalry. A gentleman who appeared to know more about the matter than any one here, says that the same day,early in the morning, while the Fifth United States regular cavalry were out foraging, the rebel cavalry charged the pickets, driving them rapidly ahead. The regiment was sent off in pursuit, but without success, as the enemy had a considerable start of them. I have just heard that two of the men captured formerly belonged to the Eighth Pennsylvania cavalry, and that they have been sentenced to be shot, the order to be executed to-morrow. This report is from one of the Pennsylvania cavalry, who saw the villains and recognized them. Twenty wounded were in the covered cars on board the train which the guerrillas shot at. One of the poor fellows, named Remystamsley, a Frenchman, of the 55th New York volunteers, received two bullets in his body and leg. His leg was amputated.

About noon to-day our pickets were fired upon by the enemy near Fair Oaks. Captain Shafer, or Shaler, of the Eighty-first Pennsylvania regiment, was instantly killed by a shot through the head.--Major Devereaux, field-officer of the day, had also charge of a picket. He was shot through the shoulder.

In its ‘"Situation"’ article, the Herald says:

‘ The guerrilla parties were still hovering about the rear of the Union army before Richmond. The operations of these men are more annoying than really dangerous; still, at the same time, if not put a stop to, will be somewhat costly.

That portion of Gen. McClellan's department now under Gen. Dix has been extended so as to give him the control of the country in the vicinity of Yorktown, Cloucester, Williamsburg, and West Point. This change may operate somewhat disadvantageously to these roving maranders.

The intelligence relative to the further reinforcement of Jackson, and the dangerous condition of Gen. Fremont's corps, is of so unlikely a nature as to cast some doubt upon its authenticity. The movements of Jackson have been but mere raids, and the story about the Corinth, or Gen. Beauregard's army, being sent to hold the Valley, is very improbable, to say the least of it.

The army before Richmond.

[From the Boston Traveller, June 16.] We have received from a gentleman who left White House, Va., on Friday morning last, June 13.some interesting information of the state of affairs in the army of Gen. McClelian before Richmond.

In regard to the strength of the Federal army, he states that no one outside of Gen. McClellan and his staff has any accurated idea. There is no doubt that the strength of many regiments has been considerably reduced by death, wounds in battle, and sickness.

There are also some skulkers. In regard to the latter, the Provost Marshal, with his pesse, is gathering them up from all quarters of the Peninsula. No less than three hundred were collected by the Provost Marshal in one day. Another source of complaint is the large number of officers on furlough at the present crisis.

As an offeet, however, to this depletion of the Union army, our informant states that reinforcements are reaching Gen. McClellan in considerable numbers. He himself met three regiments of infantry and one of cavalry on the way to the front, and at least ten thousand more would soon reach White House.

Our army is in the best of spirits, not withstanding the recent sickness, and express their determination to enter Richmond on the first opportunity. Of their ability to capture the city, they do not enfertain a doubt.

In regard to the actual strength of the rebel army in Richmond there is really no authentic intelligence. The impression is that in effective men they are not stronger than the Union army. It is evidant that many of the soldiers of the Confederacy must be raw recruits, as the country about Richmond has been recently stripped of all the young men, as the few inhabitants to be seen are old men, women, and slaves unfit for work upon the rebel entrenchments.

The impression is that Davis cannot, with any hope of maintaining the contest, evacuate Richmond. The rebel sympathizers found in the vicinity of the capital state that if Davis declines to fight there will be changer from his own troops, who are tired of running.

The roads are still in a most horrible condition. The heavy slege guns are slowly moving towards the front; but at will be a work of weeks, possibly, to get them where they can be used effectively in shelling the rebels and driving them from the capital.

To give an idea of the obstacles to be overcome, our informant states that with a light wagon and one horse he was fourteen hours in going twenty-two miles. The teamsters go in bodies and help each other. When a mule gets buried in the mud, they all hitch chains upon the unfortunate beast and haul it out. These wagone do not average over seven miles per day.

The Herald has a long correspondence from the Peninsula, but we fail to discover in it much intelligence worth copying. The writer claims that ‘"the Army of the Potomac is ready for another engagement,"’ but at the same time thinks it would be a source of congratulation ‘"were these rebels around Richmond, realizing their present hopeless conditions, to refuse us fight."’

Captain Frost, of a Pennsylvania regiment, was killed a few mornings ago, while on picket, and other similar casualties are noticed.--The writer notices the ‘"mysterious disappearance"’ of Col. Curry, of Pennsylvania, who, it will be remembered, was brought into Richmond a prisoner not long since. Ten prominent citizens on the other side of the Chickahominy have been arrested, charged with giving information upon which the Confederates have lately operated upon McClellan's year. Their names are not mentioned.

The prospect before Richmond — Signs of alarm in the radical abolition camp.

Under this imposing caption, the New York Herald, of the 18th, thus lectures its fellow-abolitionists:

‘ What is the prospect before Richmond? The public mind, with the advance of our army across the Chickahominy, was full of enthuslasm; but this has been changed by subsequent events and developments into all sorts of speculations and conjectures, and to some degree of public anxiety and impatience.

In this connexion, our original, radical ‘"On to Richmond"’ contemporary, the New York Tribune, through its army correspondent at the Seven Pines, has undergone a wonderful change, compared with its bloodthirsty hue and cry against Gen. McClellan just after the rebel evacuation of Manassas. Then McClellan had the most imposing army ever collected on this continent, while the rebel army, which had alipped through his fingers, was represented at less than forty thousand men. Now, from the same source, we are told that (in front of Richmond) ‘"the enemy are greatly superior to us in numbers, "’ that they are courageous, daring, savage, disciplined, well armed, and will desperately dispute ‘"every inch of the way into Richmond,"’ and that ‘ "they consider that the coming battle will decide their fate;"’ that ‘ "they desire to fight,"’ and that ‘"to march into Richmond we must pave our way with twenty thousand dead Southerners."’ Hence the Tribune man calls lustily for reinforcements to Gen. McClelian, and ‘"on the instant,"’ and ‘"In God's name,"’ and says that ‘"It would have been economical, humane, and politic to have given to McClelian all the disposable troops north and west of the Ohio when he commenced the invasion of Virginia."’

Now how are we to account for this great im-

provement in the music of the Tribune since the rebel evacuation of Manesses? The answer is very simple. Some of our radical abolition republicans — and Greeley is among them — are beginning to be apprehensive that some scrious disaster to General McClellan is within the range of probability; and should any disaster befall him they know where public opinion will fix the responsibility. Our loyal people, like our honest and sagacious President, [save the mark] have always had the fullest confidence in Gen. McClelian. Not so, however, is it, or has it been, with our radical republicans. From the day when it was made apparent that Gen. McClelian had repaired in our Potomac army the damages of Ball Run, and rendered Washington perfectly safe by his military skill and incessant industry — from that day that abolition agitation and incessant clamor against his inactivity, timklity and loyalty commenced which culminated in the breaking up of his Potomac army into three or four separate armies, in the derangement of his well-laid plans for the capture of Richmond, and the suppression of the rebellion.

He was not, and would not become, a worshipper among the negro worshippers, and they resolved to immelate him. Hence the cutting up of his Potomac army into three or four separate camps, to make room for two or three military politicians.--Hence the late disastrous repulse of Gen. Banks from the Shenandoah Valley, and the general disarrangement of all those beautiful plans which were to supersede the plans of Gen. McClellan for the recovery of Richmond and the State of Virginia to the Union. Mr. Senator Wilson and his radical associates had decreed that no more troops were wanted, and recruiting had been for some time suspended, when this repulse of Gen. Banks fell like a bomb-shell into the War Office.

Mr. Secretary Stanton was thus persuaded of the expediency of calling out fifty thousand additional troops. But why not one hundred and fifty, or two hundred thousand, in order to bring this war to an end it once? With this additional force on hand a month ago, Richmond. Savannah, Mobile, and every other place in the South of any importance to this rebellion, would now be in our posession. As it is, without going further, Gen. McClellan evidently needs relaforcements, when he might just as well have had in his camp to-day an overwhelming army of two hundred and fifty thousand men as the more limited force now under his command.

We charge all these drawbacks upon our abolition radical faction and their domineering party chiefs at Washington. The President has held them in check as far as possible, but controlling, as they do, the law-making power of Congress, the President has been compelled to handle them somewhat delicately. We are inclined to the opinion, on the other hand, that the Secretary of War has lent a too willing ear in some cases to these abolition radicals; but, believing that he is at length convinced of these expensive blunders, and realizes the difficult position of the army of Gen. McClellan, we feel assured that the necessary measures for a crowning victory at Richmond, and a speedy end to the war, are under way, and will be actively carried out. Out of their own mouths our abolition disorganizers are condemned; and to save themselves from the possible consequences of their folly and treachery they come in at the eleventh hour for reinforcements to the army of Gen. McClellan.

’ [It will be seen by the conclusion of the article copied, that the reported hurrying on of reinforcements to McClellan's army was no fiction. Bennett still reiterates his prediction of a speedy crushing of the rebellion, which he has been constantly doing for a year past, verying the time from three weeks to ninety days; and yet the Confederates have an army in the field, at this day, one corps of which is deemed powerful enough to require the enormous force of two hundred and fifty thousand men to overthrow.]

The jackass Congress.

All day Monday (says a Northern paper) Congress was discussing whether or not Mrs. Lee's house should be used as a military hospital, and whether or not Gen. Banks allowed contrabands to ride in the army wagons. Splendid subjects these for the display of statesmanship! Such debates, however, are the principal occupation of the contemplible nincompoops of Congress now- a-days.--The cause of Jeff. Davis has received more aid and comfort from the abolition legislation and criminal trifling of the present jackass Congress than from any other Northern agency, excepting, perhaps, the radical abolition party, which controls Congress, and tries to control the President. If all men obtained their deserts, our Congressmen would fare very badly in this world and the next.


The bill prohibiting slavery in the Territories finally passed the Federal Congress on the 17th inst. The House concurred in the Senate's substitute for Arnold's bill, which forever prohibits slavery in the Territories now existing, or which may at any time hereafter be formed or acquired.

The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald denies that Gen. Shields is under arrest. His command has suffered severely, but nothing has transpired in reference to his arrest. The friends of Col. Carroll state that he acted under positive orders of Gen. Shields in destroying the Port Republic bridge, and that he was directed to hold it at all hazards.

The United States Mershal of Boston has brought to Washington a number of witnesses to appear before the committee to investigate the case of Hon. Benj. Wood. Among the witnesses summoned is the editor of the New York News.

A ‘"rebel mail carrier"’ was captured by the Yankees near Culpeper, Va., on the 16th inst. A large quantity of letters to prominent officers in the Southern service were found in the mailbag, also about ten thousand dollars in Confederate bonds. The carrier said his name was Granville W. Kelly.

A bill to repeal the ‘"Personal Liberty Law"’ of Wisconsin was passed by the Assembly of that State, on the 13th inst., by a vote of fifty-one ayes to twenty-five noes.

The Kingston (Jamaica) Journal,, of May 19, says:

‘ "The shipping registry of Saturday last shows another arrival from the blockaded ports of the Southern States--the sloop Fair field, with a cargo of cotton, which will be offered for sale in this market. There are now in our harbor three vessels bearing the flag of the Confederate States--the Fairfield, the Water Witch, and the Jossera." ’ Lord Lyons, accompanied by his Secretaries, arrived in New York on the 17th, and was to depart for England the next day in the steamer Persia.

The Conton market.

The cotton market was firm yesterday, (says the New York Herald, of the 18th inst.,) with sales of 1,500 bales, closing stiff on the basis of 31 @31½c. for middlings uplands. The following statement regarding the movements of cotton, from Sept. 1, 1860. to June 18, 1861, is from the circular of Messrs. Wm. P. Wright & Co.:

Receipts at the ports3,445,000
Exported to Great Britain2,166,000
Exported to France571,000
Exported to other foreign ports369,000
Taken by Northern spinners266,000
Stock on hand73,000

The whole amount received in great Britain and in other parts of Europe from the 1st of September, 1861 to June 18, 1862, (the present date,) has been confined to cargoes which have run the blockade, and has not reached 10,000 bales. The exports of 3,106,000 bales to Europe last year, at the then average value of $55 per bale, amounted to $170,830,000. The present average value of 31 cents per pound, in New York, gives the cost of the average bale of 450 pounds at $139.50. Estimated by this standard, the export of last year, up to this date, would have amounted to an enormous sum of money. The Northern spinners up to this date last year, took 266,000 bales, of the value of $14,630,000, leaving the small stock in Southern ports of 73,000 bales.--The only supplies spinners have obtained this year have been through importations (nearly all from Liverpool) and to confiscated and prize lots. The East India Surats, imported on speculation, peroved to be a failure. Its short and brittle fibre was wholly unsuited to the condition of American machinery, while its inferior quality unfitted it for the production of American goods. The most of that received was re-shipped to England.


[From the Herald's Money Article, June 17.] There is a brisk demand for money at 4@5 percent. on call among the stock operators, arising mainly from the increased volume of outside speculation. Paper sells freely at 4 @5 per cent. Greenbacks have again fallen, and are offered at 3 per cent. premium. Certificates of deposit are worth 100¼. In some quarters it is reported that the recent operations in the Shenaosh Valley and the delay before Richmond have led to an increase of caution in the investment of money. * *

he stock market was not so strong to-day, and was weak at the close, with the following quotations: U. S. 6's, registered, 1881, 103¼@103½ do 6's, coupon, 1881, 106 5/8@106¾; do. 5's, 1874, 96½@97¼; Treasury notes, 7 3-10 per cent., 105¾@105¾ Tennessee 6's, 59@59¼; Virginia 6's, 56 ½@57; Missouri 6's, 52@52½ American gold, 106@106½.

There appears to be less excitement than there was among people in Wall street on the subject of Mr. Chase's new application to Congress. Certain foreign bankers, and certain city journals, continue to berate the Secretary; but their infinance is impaired by the fact that they denounced with equal bitterness the law of February, which has worked so well. Every one of the arguments which is now used by the faction calling themselves the ‘"hard money" ’ party was employed to defeat the original issue of Treasury notes — to which issue it is now clear that the success of Mr. Chase's financial policy has been mainly due. It is rumored in the street that Senator Fessenden will appose the bill introduced into the House by Mr. Stevens. The Senator was opposed to the first bill for an issue of legal tender paper, and made known his objections, though he voted for the measure. He will probably do the same thing now. The simple question for Congress to decide is whether it is better for Mr. Chase to go on negotiating six per cent, five years bonds at par, by the simple and easy process of conversion, at the rate of half a million a day, or to call upon the foreign bankers and capitalists for a It is possible that at Washington this question may admit of debats; here, in the financial of the country, it does not.

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McClellan (12)
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