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From New Orleans.

Late New Orleans papers state that an extensive break has taken place in the above the city, nearly opposite Napoleon Avenue. On the 24th the water was pouring in through a crevasse about one hundred wide and twenty drop.

The Della, as are aware is issued and editor by Yankees, and is the organ of Gen. Mutler, whom it in a most word way. The ladies be has to politeness. ‘"By issuing an order as ingenious as it has proved effectual,"’ says the Della, ‘"Gen. Butler has transformed the gentler sex from scowling, acidulous-faced wo- men, into a charming, well-conducted, and modest community of ladies."’

The same paper publishes a long anonymous letter addressed to Gen Butler, by a woman, under the signature of ‘"A Mississippian,"’ threatening him with assassination for the brutal order which the same paper says, as stated above, has made ‘"modest ladies"’ of our own fair and scowling women. The writer gives it a scurrilous preface.

In reply to the protest of Mayor Monroe, Butler, after a little characteristic Yankee quibbling, reiterates his infamous order, subjecting the wives, mothers, and daughters of New Orleans to the insults and outrages of his brutal soldiery. He says:

‘ "Whenever a woman, lady or mistress, gentle or simple who, by gesture, look or insults, shows contempt for, thus attracting to herself the notice of, my officers or soldiers, she will be deemed to act as becomes her vocation as a common woman, and will be liable to be treated accordingly.

‘"I shall not, as I have not, abates a single word of that order. It was well considered If obeyed, it will protect the true and modest women from all possible insult. The others will take care of themselves."’

’ A later number of the Bulletin says:

‘ We were informed last night, by a gentleman who visited the crevasses in the course of the day, that there was every prospect of its being closed up by this morning, the men at work on it having driven down piles enough to enable a plank platform to be constructed across the entire vortex There was a large increase of force yesterday over the day before, and there is little room for apprehension of any further danger from this at one time alarming accident.

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