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Scott's Louisiana Cavalry in North Alabama.

From a correspondent of the Memphis Appeal we gather the following further particulars of the gallant deep of Scott's Louisiana cavalry in North Alabama Dating at Courtland, Ala., May 4, this correspondent writes:

Scott's Louisiana cavalry have performed some most daring exploits in this and the Athens neighborhood within the last ten days.

Advancing with a portion of his regiment towards Tuscumbia, John Scott frightened the Federals out of the place by a very simple ruse. Capturing a well-known negro, who, from his intimacy with the Yankees in Tuscumbia, was a fit subject, he complied with the darkey's pleadings for release, only on said darkey giving his parole that he would not tell the Yanks that Price and fifteen thousand men were advancing upon them. Of course the darkey made tracks for his friends in Tuscumbia, and swore that the hills were crowded with Price's men. The burning of the stores at Florence and immediate evacuation of Tuscumbia was the consequence.

In the meantime Captain Cannon, of Scott's regiment, made a night march across the mountains, and daringly charged upon the whole column of retreating Federals whilst they were on the road seven miles above Tuscumbia. The Federals gave way in every direction, and Cannon retired with twenty-seven prisoners, having killed and wounded thirty more. Cannon's loss was two men slightly wounded. Advancing with about one hundred and fifty men, Scott attempted to cut them off between Courtland and Decatur, but Gen. Mitchell, who commanded the Federals, made railroad time and crossed the Decatur bridge, destroying it afterwards. Nothing daunted, Col. Scott crossed the Tennessee at Lamp's Ferry, and came up with Mitchell at Athens on the first day of April. The enemy drew up in line of battle, and for a short time made some show of fight. One or two shells from Lieutenant Holmes's howitzers, a charge, and they retreated in double-quick through Athens. Their force consisted, of the 18th Ohio regiment, and one company of dragoons. Scott had but 162 men at the time of making the charge, and this small force was necessarily divided in pursuit of the enemy, and capturing their wagons, camp, &c.--The entrance of Scott's regiment into Athens was a triumphant one. The streets were lined with exultant ladies and shouting men. The former gathered in a body and presented Scott with a Confederate flag, which they had kept hidden.

In the meantime Scott dispatched Cannon, with a small force of thirty men, to destroy the Limestone Creek bridge. This the gallant Cannon accomplished, though of before a hard fight, in which he killed nine and wounded many. He fired into a passing train, dropping the Feds like flies from the tops of the cars. He then burned the bridge, and by this means threw off a locomotive and twenty car loads of provisions, including 1,000 sacks of coffee, all of which he burned.

The next day Mitchell came down upon Scott. whilst the latter was crossing Elk river. Scott's entire command had then come up, and he had 275 men and three small howitzers to oppose 3,000 infantry, one regiment of dragoons, and one piece of artillery was the force brought down from Hu- to intercept Scott. The enemy did not make any attack until all of the regiment had crossed except 111 men. Upon this small body the Fourth Ohio regiment of cavalry charged in splendid style. They were received by our boys with a yell and a perfect sheet of bullets and buckshot, which drove them back in wild confusion, with the loss of sixteen killed, including Colonel Kleakle, their commander. Out of ammunition, and having waited in vain for promised reinforcements, Scott was compelled, in view of the overwhelming force opposing him, to recross the Tennessee river, which he did in splendid style, without the further loss of a single man or horse.

His total loss in all these encounters was three killed, seven-wounded, and five missing, together with some ten or fifteen horses killed. In killed, wounded, and prisoners, the enemy certainly lost 100 to 200 men. The spoils of the 18th Ohio camp, which was taken at Athens, were rich beyond description. Tents, overcoats, wagons, horses, blankets, guns, ammunition, were all brought over the river in safety, except the last-mentioned articles, which were lost by the upsetting of the flat in Elk river.

Scott has almost cleared North Alabama of Yankees, and something is now in prospect that will cast a glow of delight over ‘"true and faithful"’ Middle Tennessee.

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