who arrived in the city from the vicinity of Pred- that up to this hot have crossed to this side of having two ges con- throw navy force over the strength of neighborhood to each regiment, their as to serve the in marching, being di and carried by their . They commenced on the first time, to throw out the town. On Thursday cavalry ventured out some town, but being tired upon they best a ready and rapid.dwellings, besides the and the Farmers' Bank, as hospitals. The citizens loyal, the only exception , Clarks, who is said to be in them, entertaining them to . This individual is a , Yankee, from the heart of New We give the following receipt, Yankee thieves gave to a gentlemen . They have committed depredations, and this paper, in face m est thievery and is the only redress offered injured:
of the Rappahannock
said property will be entitled in the same after the suppression upon proof that he has, from himself as a loyal citizen States, and has not given aid the rebels.
authority of Geo. W. Dawell, A, P. V.
1st Lieut. and A Quar'r.
Captain Light Artillery,--