By the President.
To the People of the Confederal States of America:An enemy, waging war in a manner violative of the usages of civilized nations, has invaded our country. With presumptuous reliance on superior numbers, he has declared his purpose to reduce us to submission. We struggle to preserve our birthright of constitutional freedom. Our trust is in the justice of our cause and the protection of our God. Resent disaster has spread gloom over the land and sorrow sits at the hearth stones of our countrymen; but a people conscious of rectitude and faithfully relying on their Father in Heaven, may be cast down, but cannot be dismayed. They may mourn the loss of the martyrs whose lives have been sacrificed in their defence, but they receive this dispetion of Divine Providence with bumble submission and reverent faith. And now that our hosts are again going forth to battle, and loving hearts at home are filled with anxious solicitude for their safety, it is meet that the whole people should turn imploringly to their almighty Father and beseech His all-powerful protection.
To this end, therefore, I, Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America, do issue this my proclamation, inviting all the people to unite at their several please of worship, on Friday, the 16th day of the present month of May, in humble supplitcation to Almighty God that He will vouchsafe His blessings on our beloved country; that He will strengthen and protest our armier, that He will watch over and preserve our people from the evil machinations of our enemies; and that He will, in his own good time, restore to as the blessing of peace and security under His sheltering cars.
Given under my hand, and the seal of the Confederate States at Richmond, on the 3d day of May, A. D. 1861.