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From Europe.

distress in France — the joint in tion--Sentiments of the people, &c.

The late Northern papers contain the following highly interesting facts:

Distress in France.

The New York Express says:

‘ The influence that is really at work in France to induce the Emperor to join England in recognizing the rebel Confederacy it is pretty certain, is not affection for Jefferson Davis, nor any particular desires to see the great Republic broken up, but the increasing distress among the operatives at Lyone and in all the other great manufacturing districts. The distress is popularly attributed to the blockade, which shuts our French manufactures from the Southern market and prevents cotton from coming forward.

As soon as the French legislative body assembles, (it must be in session now,) we may expect, in view of these representations, to hear the breaking of the American blockade recommended as the bes means of keeping the ‘"wolf from the door"’ at home All the correspondents, writing by the Africa, bid us anticipate something of the kind, the British Government, of course, joining in. These warnings may be the offspring of apprehensions that may never be realized, but at the same time it would not be safe on our part to treat them with contempt.

Proposed joint intervention of France and England.

London, Jan. 19.--The London Observer. of to day quotes the articles of the treaty for pacification for Greece, signed July, 1827, by England, France, and Russia, and traces the successive steps taken by the three Powers, with a view of re-establishing peace between Greece and Turkey, first offering them the mediation of the three Powers, and the refusal of Turkey led to the battle of Navarino.

The Observer suggests the expediency of a similar intervention by France and England between the Federals and Confederates of North America. Such an act would be approved by the whole world. No Navarino would be necessary. The intervention would be gladly accepted by the Confederates, and would give satisfaction to every man of the Northern States who has anything to lose — Our Government and that of France will be called upon, therefore, to repeat what was done in the case of Greece. No one can doubt our power, or the beneficial effect of such an intervention.

Effect of the stone blockade.

The advices from Europe by the Africa, at New York, in relation to American affairs, are highly important. Now that the Trent affair has been apparently settled, both the English and French papers appear to be taking strong ground against the ‘"stone blockade,"’ and, as stated on Saturday, Earl Russell has instructed Lord Lyons to intimate to the Federal Government the disapprobation which would be excited in England and on the Continent it the intention of blocking up the Southern ports with stone was carried into effect. To day we subjoin some other interesting extracts.

European views — the South must be free.

The following is an extract from a letter published in the Philadelphia American, (a Republican, paper,) dated Liverpool, January 18th.

I can assure you your Government is not increasing the number of its friends on this side of the ocean. The operation in blocking up harbors is looked upon as the most unprecedented and barbarous proceeding of modern days, and you must not be surprised if it turns out that the stones sunk at Charleston prove to be the rocks upon which the Lincoln Government will be wrecked.

It is recognized that, for purposes of defence, a people have the right to temporarily obstruct the entrance into their own ports, but not that an aggressive enemy has a right to permanently put a stop to navigation anywhere. Look out for squalls. People are getting tired of this sort of work.

The Paris correspondent of the New York Herald writes;

I am in the possession of information which establishes beyond a doubt that this Government is bent upon the recognition of the South. It has, within the last two weeks, repeatedly urged this course upon England, and may succeed in persuading the Palmerston Cabinet to meet its views. The Washington Government must arm at once, coast defences must be attended to, and, above all, a strong efficient navy be at once equipped.

The English Government continues sending immense munitions and large forces into Canada, and war is by no means yet averred.

The Paris correspondent of the London Herald says there is no truth in the rumor that the Emperor is endeavoring to induce the British Government to join him in the recognition of the Southern Confederacy. The writer, however, adds:

That there is a party here, and strongly represented at court, which is decidedly in favor of such a step, is beyond doubt, but no action whatever has been taken on the subject. At the same time, it cannot be denied that the destruction of Charleston harbor, and the threat of promoting insurrection of the slaves against their masters, have quite destroyed any sympathy that might have been felt for the North.

Probable action of Parliament — discontent and distress.

The Newark (N. J.) Advertiser (a Republican journal) has a letter from its Paris correspondent, dated the 17th ultimo, which says:

We may look for lively proceedings upon the opening of the British Parliament, and possibly the French Chambers also. In England two questions off interest to our country will be brought forward immediately — the expediency of recognizing the Southern Confederacy and a searching investigation of the conduct of the ministry, in carrying on, at a vast expense, preparations for a war with the United State, after receiving assurances from Mr. Seward that Capt. Wilkes had acted without orders, and that the Government of President Lincoln was desirous to maintain the most friendly relations with Great Britain. There will also be some inquiry into the reasons which induced Lord Palmerston, through his organ, the London Morning Post, to deny the existence of conciliatory intelligence from America, on the subject of the Trent incident, two days after the communication of Mr. Seaward's nots.

As regards France, it is proper that our people should prepare to near of manifestations of discontent at the delays of the war and the impossibility of procuring cotton,--The English journals are boldly asserting that France has been, for several months past, urging her to join her in recognizing the Southern Confederacy, and disregarding the blockade. It is not true that the Emperor's Government has taken any such initiative.--If any negotiations have been commenced on the subject, they certainly originated, not in Paris, but in London; and the Emperor has, from the outset, expressed his hope that the rebellion would be speedily suppressed. The distress in the manufacturing districts of France is, however, very great, and the murmurs of the mercantile and laboring classes grow louder and louder every day.

Recognition by French.

The Herald's Paris correspondent, writing under date of January 17, says:

I am in the possession of information which establishes beyond a doubt that this Government is bent upon the recognition of the South. It has within the last two weeks repeatedly urged this course upon England, and man succeed in persuading the Palmerton Cabinet to meet its views. The Washington Government must arm at once, coast defences must be attended to, and, above all, a strong, efficient navy be at once equipped.

As a sign of the times, I may mention that a broskurs, entitled ‘ "The Recognition of the South,"’ will appear to-morrow at Denton's, the publisher of Governmental pamphlets, and that this new brochures is ostensibly the work of M. Grandguillot, editor of the Pays, but is in reality the work of some Government scribe, and is fathered by Grandruiliot as a well recognized servant of Persigny's administration. Of course the brochure is but a straw to see which way the popular breexe blows. If it is successful, so much the better, if not, no more will be said. It will have been ascertained that the public is unfavorable to such conclusions as are come to by the writer. Of course it is useless to add that the work in question is inimical to the North.

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