Twenty-five dollars reward.
--The undersigned will give the above reward for the recovery of a negro man named Brown, or Everard Brown, as he is sometimes called. Brown left this city. it is thought late this past summer or early in the fall, it is suppossed, with some of the officers or me in a millitary company on the Peninsula, and perhaps passed himself off as a fee negro. He is about 24 years old, 5 feet 8 or 10 inches in height, not very black, quite knock-kneed, pleasant expression of countenance, and is an excellent dining-room or gentle man's servant. No marks recollected except a chronic sore on one of his shins. I hereby caution all officers of companies or other persons to refrain from employing him, as he is illegally at large, and will pay the above reward, and be obliged for any information by which he may be restored to his owner.186 Main street, corner above Post-Office.
Ja 17--6t