Editors Dispatch: The undersigned has received a large and valuable box of clothing from the ‘"Soldiers' Aid Society, of Oakley, Mecklenburg county, Va., "’ directed to the Kanawha Rifles, a company of the 22d Regiment Virginia Volunteers. The above-mentioned company is composed of residents of Kanawha, who were forced to eave their homes in Wise's retreat. They have since been attached to Floyd's Brigade, and have participated in all the battles and hardships of that celebrated command. Cut off from their homes, and thus deprived of all contributions from their friends, of whom the ladies are always the most generous and self-sacrificing, this gift is pecuniarily acceptable to them. The ladies of Cakley have taken the initiatory step, which we trust will be followed by others-of our fair country-women, viz: of sending aid to our Western Virginia brethren, than whom none have more gallantly and nobly sustained the honor of our flag.By request of some of the members of the company, the box will not be forwarded until they can send a wagon from Lewisburg to Jackson's river to meet it.
Isaac Read.