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The sentiment of Kentucky.

--We have read with much pleasure an address of Hon. E. M. Brown, of Kentucky, to the people of Nicholas county and the Ashland Congressional District. Mr. Brown represented the county of Nicholas in the convention held at Russellville on the 18th November, for the purpose of establishing a Provisional Government, and is one of the ten Legislative Councilmen (there being one for each Congressional District) to the Governor. He may therefore be presumed to speak intelligently of the public sentiment of Kentucky upon the present questions of the day. He says he has no doubt but the Provisional Government will be the one universally recognized by the whole State of Kentucky, in less than twelve months, and he believes that now, if a vote could be taken in all parts of the State, free from the coercion of Lincoln's bayonets, the vote would be unanimous to join the Confederate States.

Mr. Brown thus addresses himself to the Union men in certain districts, who have aided in the persecution and arrest of loyal Southern citizens:

"I assure you as certain as a just God reigns and controls the destinies of men just so sure will our relative positions change--and you will then he in the power of the men who you have so severely persecuted — and while I hope, for the sake of humanity, full retaliation will never be made, yet you know revenge is sweet to poor human nature, and you had now better begin to prepare for this inevitable change. If you could only drop in some dreary evening at the places of rendezvous of all our exiled Kentuckians, and hear them speak of the absent and loved ones at home from whom they have been ruthlessly separated — husbands of wives, fathers of children, sons of their parents, brothers of sisters, and see the tears stream down the cheeks of these stern men, your cheeks would mantle with shame for the part you have taken in inducing the tyrant Lincoln to send his great armies into Kentucky to subjugate as and alienate her from her legitimate sisters of the South. But, thank God! we are in a condition to defy any imported army, even when combined with the few cowardly Kentuckians who have been bought by Lincoln's gold, mule and beef contracts, and military commissions, to aid these imported vandals in this unholy war which has driven us from our homes and all we hold dear on earth, and for no crime — but merely for presuming to think for ourselves, as the men now in Lincoln's dungeons will testify, who have done nothing save think against his infamous acts.

"In the twenty to twenty-five counties which are under the influence and in possession of the Confederate army, the people are all contented and satisfied, and would, if required, swear allegiance to our Government most cheerfully, and the voluntary change so far as our army has penetrated is most marked and satisfactory. Hence, we will have no difficulty in executing all the provisional laws in these counties; and prevent the banks from robbing the private stockholders, as has been done by the forced loans made to Lincoln to purchase guns, cannon, powder, &c., to subjugate Kentucky, which will never be paid except through our sequestration laws.

‘"We are determined to enforce our Government in these counties, and will continue to do so as our armies advance, until every infamous invader is driven from the 'sacred soil of Kentucky,' when every act will be submitted to the people of the whole State, and they will then act and establish such constitutional Government as may to them seem best. Then I cannot doubt that from our Union friends, as well as Southern Rights, the verdict will be rendered, 'well done though and faithful servants,' and that you will be ready to indissolubly unite your destinies with the South. We have staked 'our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor,' on the issue, and leave the result with the people of Kentucky."’

‘"Kentucky now has in the Confederate army about fifteen thousand troops, composed of the flower of our State, and the Confederate States will not deliver these brave men back to their homes before any terms of peace can be entertained, and in such manner as no apprehension would be felt. Forts Lafayette, Warren, various negro pens and dungeons, will have no terror to us then."’

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