Edward D. Eacho,
General Agent
and Collector.
Office on 14th, between Main and Franklin sts., corner of Exchange Alley, Richmond, Virginia,
Would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he will continue the same line of business the ensuing year, viz: Renting out Houses, Farms, &c., Selling Real Estate, Hiring out and Selling Negroes, Negotiating Loans, Collecting Bond, Notes, and Open Accounts, Adjusting Claims, and attending to all matters appertaining to a General Agent.
Thankful for the liberal patronage he has received for the last nine years, would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same.
Persons in the country intending to send me their servants for hire, would please do so if possible by the 1st or 2d of January, in order that good prices and comfortable homes may be secured.
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