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Legislature of Virginia.

Thursday, Dec. 12, 1861. The Senate was called to order by Mr. Claiborne, of Petersburg

The Salt Monopoly.

A communication was received from the House of Delegates, by their Clerk, transmitting the following joint resolutions relative to extravagant prices and the mode of relief:

  1. 1. Resolved, That a joint committee be appointed to call upon the President of the Confederate States and to represent to him the distressed condition of the country for want of salt, and ask him to release so much of the salt now held for the use of the army as can be done without injury to the public service, to be disposed of at Government cost to meet the wants of the people.
  2. 2. Resolved, That a joint committee be appointed to correspond with the lessees of the Washington and Smyth salt works on the subject of their making immediate arrangements to increase the product of salt to the utmost capacity of the property, and that they be instructed and authorized to enter into negotiations with the lessees for that purpose, subject to the approval of the General Assembly.
The resolutions were adopted.

President Pro Tem.

On motion of Mr. Dickinson, of Prince Edward, Mr. Johnson, of Bedford, was elected to preside over the deliberations of the Senate during the absence of Lieut. Gov. Montagur.

Mr. Johnson, being conducted to the chair, briefly thanked the Senate for the honor thus conferred.

Resolutions of inquiry.

By Mr. Neeson--Of reporting Senate bill No. 47, of the last session.

By the same — Of amending the 13th section of chapter 42 of the Code, respecting sales of real estate under executions in favor of the Commonwealth.

By Mr. Massie--Of refunding taxes on licenses to persons in the military service

By Mr. Coghill--Of so amending the ordinance of the Convention reorganizing the militia as to authorize volunteers for twelve months who, at the expiration of their term of service, shall re-enlist or volunteer, to reorganize themselves into companies and elect their company officers, with power to organize said companies into battalions or regiments and elect their officers in the manner prescribed by the fourth section of an act passed by the Congress of the Confederate States, which is inapplicable to the volunteers of Virginia because of an exception therein contained.

An election ordered.

Mr. Spitler, of Page, offered the following:

Resolved, That the President of the Senate be directed to issue a writ of election to the counties composing the 32d Senatorial District, to supply a vacancy existing in the Senate of Virginia from said district, and that by publication of proper notice he fix Thursday, the 26th of the present month, as the day for holding said election.

The resolution was adopted.

After the consideration of some private bills--

On motion of Mr. Newman, the Senate adjourned.

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