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Legislature of Virginia

Wednesday, Dec. 11th, 1861.
The Senate was opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Season, Missionary Secretary of the Methodist Church.

Bills reported.

By Mr. Coghil, from the Committee on Courts of Justice — A bill to pend sales and legal proceedings in certain cases, and to repeal an ordinance ‘"to provide against the sacrifice of property,"’ &c.

A Solutions of inquiry

By Mr. Day--Of compensating Francis M. Boykin for damage done to his land in erecting fortifications thereon.

By Mr. Brannon--Of amending the 39th chapter of the Code.

By Mr. Dickinson, of Prince Edward--Of refunding a tax to J. J. Woodson.

The order of the day

The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution proposing that the Senate shall proceed, on the — day of.--, to elect Senators to fill vacancies.

Mr. Coghill offered the following substitute for the resolution:

Resolved, That the vacancies in the 32d, 46th, and 50th Senatorial Districts should be filled by elections held in the counties composing said districts, or such of said counties or parts thereof as may not be occupied by the enemy — which elections should be conducted in the manner now prescribed by law; and when wholly impracticable by reason of the presence of the enemy to hold an election as aforesaid, provisions should be made by law for filling said vacancies by authorizing citizens of said counties, legally qualified to vote in an election held in the counties composing the district, to vote in an election to be held in camp, or elsewhere within our military lines; and that the Committee of Privileges and Elections be instructed to report a bill in accordance with the terms of this resolution.

A long debate ensued, in which Messrs. Coghill, Brannon, and Neeson participated.

On motion of Mr. Robertson, the resolution and substitute were laid upon the table, ordered to be printed, and made the order of the day for Friday.

On motion of Mr. Alderson, the Senate adjourned.

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