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Later from Europe.
arrival of the North American.

movements of the Confederate steamer Nashville--what the British press say Relative to her visit and Design — reduction of the French army, &c.

Portland Dec. 6.
--The Canadian Company's screw steamship North American, from Liverpool 21st ult, via Londonderry 22d, has arrived at this port.

The dates by the North American are one day later than per City of Baltimore

The case of the rebel steamer Nashville and the ship Harvey Birch, burned by the Nashville, attracts great attention.

The Nashville remained at Southampton for repairs.

The Captain of the Harvey Birch had gone to London to consult the American Minister. The crew of the Harvey Birch were vowing vengeance against the crew of the Nashville, as they were placed in irons for refusing to take the oath of allegiance to the rebels. The officers of the Harvey Birch declare she was on soundings when the Nashville boredom upon her.

Col. Peyton was on board the Nashville on a mission from North Carolina, and, with Commander Pegram, had gone to London.

Commander Pegram wants the Nashville made into a ship-of-war at Southampton, but legal difficulties are raised. Questions are also raised whether the neutrality proclamation has not been infracted by the landing of prisoners of war.

It is reported that the Nashville has spare officers on board for rebel ships preparing in England.

The London Times, in alluding to the case, points to the recent visit of the U. S. steamer James Adger, and it would be to the interest of England to keep them both out of her harbor; but if this cannot be done, they must both be let in alike

The London Star, although wishing the commander of the Nashville to be punished, says if he can produce a commission from the Confederate States, the Government must let him go, as they have recognized those States as belligerents.

Commissioners Mason and Slidell were expected at Southampton in the steamer La Plate, due the 30th. It is reported that the James Adger is cruising to intercept the British steamer and capture her, as having contraband of war on board.

[The James Adger arrived at Baltimore several days ago.--Ed. Herald. ]

It is reported that the Galway steamer Adriatic has been sold, and is fitting for the West Indies; but there is a strong impression that she is destined for the Confederate States.

The underwriters were raising the war risks on American vessels.

There are no tidings of to the North Briton, and the Anglo Saxon is also overdue. The insurance has been advanced — on the former thirty guineas, and on the latter fifty shillings were demanded.


The Bank of France had reduced the rate of discount to 5 per cent.

A reduction of from eighty to a hundred thousand men was spoken of, the men to return home on furlough one year.

It is reported that the Minister of Marine declares that he cannot agree to a reduction of his department of a single centime

The Government would not raise a loan at present.

Gen. Cialdini had arrived at Paris.

Financial and Commercial news.

London Money Market, Nov. 22.
--Consols closed at 93 7/8 a 94 for money. The weekly returns of the Bank of England show an in crease of £251,000 in bullion.

American Securities--The latest sales are: Erie Railroad, 27½; Illinois Central shares 40 a 39½ discount.

Liverpool Cotton Market, Nov. 22--The Brokers' Circular reports: The sales of cotton for the week foot up 44,000 bales, including 20,500 to speculators and exporters. The market is still, with a decline on the week of one quarter of a penny per pound, chiefly for lower and middling qualities. The sales of to-day (Friday) were 6,000 bales, of which 2, 0000 were to speculators and exporters, the market closing quiet and steady. The following are the authorized quotations:

Middling11 7/812 11 5/8

Liverpool Breadstuffs Market, Nov. 22--The market is generally quiet and steady, at unchanged quotations.

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