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Hustings Court.

--Recorder Caskie, and Aldermen Sanxay Bray, Clopton, Anderson, Timberlake, and Beveridge, presiding. The following is a summary of the business disposed of yesterday:

‘ Commonwealth vs. Daniel C. Worrell. An indictment for a misdemeanor. Nolle prosequi entered, and defendant discharged on payment of costs.

Wm. J. Summerville, indicted for shooting a pistol in the streets, pleaded guilty, and was fined $10 and costs.

Commonwealth vs. John A. Worsham. Two presentments for permitting faro bank to be exhibited on his premises. The defendant appeared and entered into recognizance in the penalty of $3,000 in each case for his appearance to-day. A similar recognizance was entered into by Wm. Burnes, also presented for exhibiting faro bank.

Commonwealth vs. Benjamin Degroot, and same vs. James A. McCann — presentment for exhibiting faro bank. The defendants were brought into Court by the Sergeant, and remanded to jail.

Patrick H. Bailey was tried for stealing $15 from Francis Wilson, found guilty, and sentenced to 30 days imprisonment.

The Grand Jury yesterday presented R. S. Vest, in two cases, and Robert B. Lyne, in two cases, for issuing shinplasters; also, a true bill against William Kartang, for an assault upon his wife. Presentments were also made against E. P. Goode and E. H. Monteiro, for exhibiting faro bank. The Grand Jury will meet again to-day. It is stated that other cases of gaming are under consideration, but the names of the parties concerned have not been furnished.

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